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The History of Valentines Day: From the Lupercalia to Cupid
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

The History of Valentines Day: From the Lupercalia to Cupid

Before chocolates, roses and letters from your valentine were given on Valentines Day, there was the Ancient Roman Festival of the Lupercalia in honour of both the agricultural god Luperca and the she-wolf who sucked Romulus and Remus, Lupus...
Walpurgis Night
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Walpurgis Night

Walpurgis Night (30 April, annually) is a modern-day European and Scandinavian festival derived from the merging of the ancient pagan celebration of Beltane with the commemoration of the canonization of the Christian Saint Walpurga (l. c...
Valentine's Day
Definition by Syed Muhammad Khan

Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine’s Day, or simply Valentine’s Day, is celebrated on the 14th of February, almost internationally but primarily in western societies. It is a commemorative Christian feast for some but a secular occasion for others who see it...
The Queen of the Night
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Queen of the Night

The Queen of the Night (also known as the `Burney Relief') is a high relief terracotta plaque of baked clay, measuring 19.4 inches (49.5 cm) high, 14.5 inches (37 cm) wide, with a thickness of 1.8 inches (4.8 cm) depicting a naked winged...
Article by Joshua J. Mark


Sees In The Night (Sees-In-The-Night) is a Cheyenne tale of a young, poor boy who, through the kindness shown to a dog, becomes a great warrior and chief of his people. The story emphasizes the Cheyenne value of kindness toward others, especially...
Indian Ocean Trade before the European Conquest
Article by James Hancock

Indian Ocean Trade before the European Conquest

Finding a maritime route to the East and gaining access to the lucrative spice trade stood at the root of the European Age of Exploration. However, when Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope and reached the Indian Ocean in 1493, he...
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre was a widespread slaughter of French Protestants (Huguenots) by Catholics beginning on 24 August 1572 and lasting over two months, resulting in the deaths of between 5,000 and 25,000 people. It began in...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


D-Day was the first day of Operation Overlord, the Allied attack on German-occupied Western Europe, which began on the beaches of Normandy, France, on 6 June 1944. Primarily US, British, and Canadian troops, with naval and air support, attacked...
Margaret of Valois' Account of St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Margaret of Valois' Account of St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Margaret of Valois' eyewitness account of St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre is among the most famous and the only written record of the event left by a member of the royal family of France at the time. Her account appears in her memoirs as Letter...
Queen of the Night Detail
Image by wikipedia user: Fae

Queen of the Night Detail

A detail from The Queen of the Night (also known as the `Burney Relief’) relief, a high relief terracotta plaque of baked clay, measuring 19.4 inches (49.5 cm) high, 14.5 inches (37 cm) wide, with a thickness of 1.8 inches (4.8 cm) depicting...