Search Results: New chinese astrology suzanne white


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Western Astrology
Definition by Arienne King

Western Astrology

Western astrology refers to a form of divination based on the motion of astronomical objects such as stars or planets. The belief that astronomical objects are divine or influence events on Earth is found in many cultures, but the practices...
Hellenistic Astrology
Definition by Arienne King

Hellenistic Astrology

Hellenistic astrology encompassed various forms of divination in Greece and the Mediterranean, all linked to the observation of astronomical phenomena. Hellenistic astrology was based on the belief that the stars and planets could either...
Suzanne Curchod
Image by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis

Suzanne Curchod

Portrait of Suzanne Curchod (1739-1794), oil on canvas by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis, c.18th century. One-time fiance to British writer Edward Gibbon, Suzanne was the wife of France's popular finance minister Jacques Necker and the mother to...
White Huns (Hephthalites)
Definition by Muhammad Bin Naveed

White Huns (Hephthalites)

The White Huns were a race of largely nomadic peoples who were a part of the Hunnic tribes of Central Asia. They ruled over an expansive area stretching from the Central Asian lands all the way to the Western Indian Subcontinent. Although...
Edouard Manet
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Edouard Manet

Edouard Manet (1832-1883) was a French modernist painter whose work is celebrated for its candid realism. Works like Olympia, an entirely modern nude, broke the artistic convention that great art should not concern itself with contemporary...
Jacques Necker
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Jacques Necker

Jacques Necker (l. 1732-1804) was a Swiss banker and statesman who served as finance minister to King Louis XVI of France (r. 1774-1792). He served in the king's ministry three separate times, tasked with navigating France through its dire...
Pink and White Terraces of New Zealand
Definition by Kim Martins

Pink and White Terraces of New Zealand

The cascading geothermal pink and white terraces of Aotearoa New Zealand were often referred to internationally and within New Zealand as the eighth wonder of the world. They were a famous tourist attraction in the 19th century until the...
Simon Forman
Definition by Anna Simms

Simon Forman

Simon Forman (1552-1611) was an Elizabethan physician, astrologer, magician, and alchemist who lived and worked in both London and Wiltshire, England. He was unusual in that despite receiving no formal training in medicine or astrology, and...
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Article by Joshua J. Mark

White Buffalo Calf Woman

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptesan-Wi) is a supernatural entity of the Sioux religion, who serves as an intermediary between Wakan Tanka (Great Mystery or Great Spirit) and the people. According to Sioux lore, she appeared to the people in...
White Bull
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

White Bull

White Bull (Tatanka Ska, l. 1849-1947) was a Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux warrior, nephew of Sitting Bull (l. c. 1837-1890), who is among the many claimed to have killed Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer (l. 1839-1876) at the Battle of the Little...