Search Results: Mistero del presunto innocente straordinaria


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Bernal Díaz del Castillo
Image by José-Manuel Benito

Bernal Díaz del Castillo

A modern bust of the Spanish conquistador and chronicler Bernal Díaz del Castillo (1492 - c. 1580). Díaz wrote a famous account, The Conquest of New Spain. The bust is in the town of Medina del Campo in Spain, the birthplace of Díaz.
Pont del Diable Aqueduct, Tarraco
Image by Mark Cartwright

Pont del Diable Aqueduct, Tarraco

The Pont del Diable aqueduct, Tarraco (Tarragona), Spain. Also known as the Ferreres Bridge, it was built in the 1st century CE it is 217 m long and 27 m high.
Huaca del Sol, Moche
Image by Carl Ottersen

Huaca del Sol, Moche

The remains of the Huaca del Sol pyramid at Moche, Peru. The huge ceremonial mound had four tiers and was constructed using over 140 million adobe bricks. Reaching a height of 50 metres, the site was used for religious and state ceremonies.
Water Channel, Pont del Diable Aqueduct
Image by Mark Cartwright

Water Channel, Pont del Diable Aqueduct

The water channel of the Pont del Diable aqueduct, Tarraco (Tarragona), Spain. Built in the 1st century CE it is 217 m long and 27 m high.
Arch Detail, Pont del Diable Aqueduct
Image by Mark Cartwright

Arch Detail, Pont del Diable Aqueduct

A detail of one of the lower arches of the Pont del Diable aqueduct, Tarraco (Tarragona), Spain. Built in the 1st century CE it is 217 m long and 27 m high.
Roman Baking Oven in Casa del Forno, Pompeii
Image by Carole Raddato

Roman Baking Oven in Casa del Forno, Pompeii

Baking oven in the Casa del Forno, Pompeii. A rare example of archaeological remains of an ancient bakery, Casa del Forno gives us a vivid picture of grinding grains, preparing the dough, and baking loaves in the Roman world.
Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, Florence
Image by Bruce Stokes

Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, Florence

The Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, Florence. The cathedral was founded in 1296 CE but its great dome was not completed until 1436 CE. The project was the work of the Italian Renaissance architect Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446 CE).
Bikini Girl Mosaic, Villa Romana del Casale
Image by Yann Forget

Bikini Girl Mosaic, Villa Romana del Casale

Detail of the "Bikini Mosaic" in the Villa Romana del Casale in Pompeii (Italy), depicting Roman girls exercising. 4th century CE.
Francisco Pizarro on Isla del Gallo
Image by Juan Lepiani

Francisco Pizarro on Isla del Gallo

A 1902 painting by Juan Lepiani showing the conquistador Francisco Pizarro on Isla del Gallo on his second expedition to Peru in 1527. Recalled by the governor of Cuba, Pizarro ignored his orders and asked his men who would volunteer to proceed...
Fresco of Laocoön in the Casa del Menandro
Image by Korrekturen

Fresco of Laocoön in the Casa del Menandro

A fresco depicting the Laocoön story in the Casa del Menandro, Pompeii. (Wikimedia CC BY-SA 3.0)