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The Plague at Athens, 430-427 BCE
Article by John Horgan

The Plague at Athens, 430-427 BCE

In the second year of the Peloponnesian War, 430 BCE, an outbreak of plague erupted in Athens. The illness would persist throughout scattered parts of Greece and the eastern Mediterranean until finally dying out in 426 BCE. The origin of...
Plague in the Ancient & Medieval World
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Plague in the Ancient & Medieval World

The word 'plague', in defining a lethal epidemic, was coined by the physician Galen (l. 130-210 CE) who lived through the Antonine Plague (165 - c. 180/190 CE) but the disease was recorded long before in relating the affliction of the Plague...
Sioux Chief Spotted Tail (Eastman's Biography)
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Sioux Chief Spotted Tail (Eastman's Biography)

Spotted Tail (Sinte Galeska, l. 1823-1881) was a Brule Lakota Sioux chief best known for choosing diplomacy over military conflict in dealing with the US government's policy of expansion in the 19th century. Although he became a respected...
Red Cloud's War
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Red Cloud's War

Red Cloud's War (1866-1868) was a conflict between the Lakota Sioux-Cheyenne-Arapaho alliance and the US government over the westward expansion of the United States into the Powder River territory. It was the only war won by the Plains Indians...
Medieval Icelandic Government
Definition by Irina-Maria Manea

Medieval Icelandic Government

Early medieval Icelandic government, or Viking Iceland, has been termed an incipient form of democracy or democratic parliamentarism, however, the system was actually nothing like its European counterparts, be they medieval or contemporary...
Death of Alexander the Great
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Death of Alexander the Great

In June of 323 BCE, Alexander the Great (r. 336-323 BCE) died in Babylon. His sudden death before his 33rd birthday has long been a point of speculation: was it disease, old wounds, or murder? Regardless of the cause, history ranks him as...
Toilets in a Medieval Castle
Article by Mark Cartwright

Toilets in a Medieval Castle

The medieval toilet or latrine, then called a privy or garderobe, was a primitive affair, but in a castle, one might find a little more comfort and certainly a great deal more design effort than had been invested elsewhere. Practicality...
Akkadian Soldier on Naram-Sin Victory Stele from Wasit
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Akkadian Soldier on Naram-Sin Victory Stele from Wasit

This alabaster stele (with different registers) was fragmented when originally found and only three fragments have survived; two are in the Iraq Museum in Baghdad and one is in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA. The stele commemorates...
Naram-Sin Victory Stele from Wasit
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Naram-Sin Victory Stele from Wasit

This alabaster stele (with different registers) was fragmented when originally found and only three fragments have survived; two are in the Iraq Museum in Baghdad and one is in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA. The stele commemorates...
Gold Coins
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Gold Coins

Gold coins of the Sassanian, Kushanshah, and Kidarite Dynasties. 309-380 CE. From the Burnes, Cunningham, Hay, Parkes Weber, and Prinsep Collections. The British Museum, London.