Search Results: Emil theodor kocher


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El Dorado
Definition by Mark Cartwright

El Dorado

El Dorado ('Gilded Man' or 'Golden One') referred to the legendary kings of the Muisca (Chibcha) people who populated the northern Andes of modern-day Colombia from 600 to 1600. The name derives from the coronation ritual when the new king...
Odin & the Prophetess
Image by Emil Doepler

Odin & the Prophetess

Norse god Odin questioning a seeress, reflecting the theme presented in the poem Völuspá, part of the Prose Edda. Illustation by Emil Doepler "the Younger" (1855–1922 CE), a German Art Nouveau illustrator and decorative artist. First published...
Schubert: Piano Quintet in A Major, D. 667
Video by Emil Gilels - Topic

Schubert: Piano Quintet in A Major, D. 667

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Schubert: Piano Quintet in A Major, D. 667 "Trout" - IV. Thema - Andantino - Variazioni I-V - Allegretto · Emil Gilels · Amadeus Quartet Schubert: Piano Quintet "The Trout"; String Quartet...
Franz Liszt in Concert
Image by Theodor Hosemann

Franz Liszt in Concert

An 1842 cartoon by Theodor Hosemann showing 'Lisztomania', the hysteria of the audience when the virtuoso piano player and composer Franz Liszt (1811-1886) performed in public.
Spanish Conquistadores Being Tortured
Image by Theodor de Bry

Spanish Conquistadores Being Tortured

A 16th-century print by Theodor de Bry showing indigenous peoples gaining revenge on Spanish Conquistadores in the Americas by pouring molten gold down their throats. (From Grand Voyages Accounts to the Americas, and to Africa and the Orient...
Native Americans Make Dugout Canoe c. 1590
Image by Theodor de Bry

Native Americans Make Dugout Canoe c. 1590

Image of Native Americans making a dugout canoe using seashell scrapers c. 1590, titled The Manner of Making Their Boates, engraving by Theodor de Bry, after a watercolor by John White. John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.
Herakles as Pugilist
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Herakles as Pugilist

This smaller than life-size head came from a statue that represented the Greek hero Herakles as a pugilist. Indications for this include the puffy ears that also appear in images of sportsmen. Herakles was their patron deity; the statue may...
Triumphal Entry of Germanicus into Rome
Image by Karl Theodor von Piloty

Triumphal Entry of Germanicus into Rome

Thusnelda at the Triumphal Entry of Germanicus into Rome, oil on canvas painting by Karl Theodor von Piloty, 1875. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Gift of Horace Russell, 1887. The painting presents the triumphant return of Roman...
Taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders
Image by Émile Signol

Taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders

A 19th century CE painting by Émil Signol titled "Taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, 15th July 1099". Jerusalem was recaptured from the Muslims during the First Crusade, 1095-1202 CE. (Palace of Versailles, France)
Odin fighting Fenrir
Image by Emil Doepler

Odin fighting Fenrir

Depiction by Emil Doepler from c. 1905 CE showing a scene from the Ragnarök (from Norse Mythology) in which Odin fights the wolf Fenrir. In the background are the god Freyr (on a horse) and the fire-giant Surtr.