Search Results: Against grain history earliest states


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The Debate Between Sheep and Grain
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Debate Between Sheep and Grain

The Debate Between Sheep and Grain (c. 2000 BCE) is one of the best-known Sumerian literary debates in a genre that was popular entertainment by the late 3rd millennium BCE. In this piece, personifications of grain and sheep argue which is...
Seven Against Thebes
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Seven Against Thebes

Seven Against Thebes is the third part of a trilogy written by one of the greatest of the Greek tragedians, Aeschylus in 467 BCE, winning first prize in competition at Dionysia. Unfortunately, only fragments of the first two plays, Laius...
Indian Princely States
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Indian Princely States

The Indian Princely states (aka Native States or Princely India) were those states in the Indian subcontinent the British did not conquer but which were typically bound by treaty first to the East India Company and then to the British Crown...
Roman Grain Ship Model
Image by Bukvoed

Roman Grain Ship Model

Model of a Roman grain ship, National Maritime Museum, Haifa, Israel.
Warring States Period
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Warring States Period

The Warring States period (481/403 BCE - 221 BCE) describes the three centuries when various rival Chinese states battled viciously for territorial advantage and dominance. Ultimately the Qin state was victorious and established the first...
Crusader States
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Crusader States

The Crusader States (aka the Latin East or Outremer) were created after the First Crusade (1095-1102 CE) in order to keep hold of the territorial gains made by Christian armies in the Middle East. The four small states were the Kingdom of...
Taizong's Campaigns Against the Xiyu States
Image by Yug

Taizong's Campaigns Against the Xiyu States

A map illustrating the campaigns of Tang Dynasty emperor Taizong (r. 626-649 CE) against the Xiyu states in China.
Flour War
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Flour War

The Flour War refers to the series of approximately 300 riots that swept through France from April to May 1775, because of rising bread prices. The revolts only subsided after soldiers had been deployed, resulting in hundreds of arrests...
Winning Against the Odds: Sargon II & the Urartu Campaign
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Winning Against the Odds: Sargon II & the Urartu Campaign

It is often when one is faced with the most difficult circumstances that one is given the greatest opportunity for clarity. History provides ample evidence of this experience in showing how, when faced with seemingly impossible situations...
The Battle of Colmar (58 BCE): Caesar against Ariovistus
Article by Jona Lendering

The Battle of Colmar (58 BCE): Caesar against Ariovistus

The Battle of Colmar (58 BCE): one of the first battles of the Gallic War, in which Caesar defeated an army led by the Germanic leader Ariovistus. In 58 BCE, Julius Caesar had invaded Central Gaul. The pretext had been the plan of the...