Search Results: Sons of Liberty


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Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

"Give me liberty or give me death!” is the closing line from a speech made by Patrick Henry to the Second Virginia Convention on 23 March 1775, in which he argued that war with Britain was inevitable and a militia should be raised to defend...
Zwingli's On Rejecting Lent and Protecting Christian Liberty
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Zwingli's On Rejecting Lent and Protecting Christian Liberty

Although Huldrych Zwingli (l. 1483-1531) began his Reformation efforts in Zürich in 1519, his first break with the Church came in 1522 when he defended a group of citizens who had broken the Lenten fast by eating sausages. The event, known...
Boston Tea Party
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was an act of political protest carried out by American colonists on 16 December 1773, in Boston, Massachusetts. Disguised as Mohawk Native Americans, the colonists dumped 342 crates of tea into Boston Harbor to protest...
Boston Massacre
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre, or the Incident on King Street, occurred in Boston, Massachusetts, on 5 March 1770, when nine British soldiers fired into a crowd of American colonists, ultimately killing five and wounding another six. The massacre was...
A Ride for Liberty – The Fugitive Slaves
Image by Eastman Johnson

A Ride for Liberty – The Fugitive Slaves

A Ride for Liberty – The Fugitive Slaves, oil on paperboard by Eastman Johnson, c. 1862. Brooklyn Museum.
Joseph Warren
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Joseph Warren

Doctor Joseph Warren (1741-1775) was a physician from Boston, Massachusetts, who became an important political leader of the Patriot movement during the early years of the American Revolution (c. 1765-1789). Known for dispatching Paul Revere...
Samuel Adams
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams (1722-1803) was a prominent Patriot leader in the American Revolution (1765-1789), and a Founding Father of the United States. He was one of the most vocal opponents of 'taxation without representation', was a founding member...
Louis XVI Wearing a Cap of Liberty
Image by Unknown

Louis XVI Wearing a Cap of Liberty

Depiction of King Louis XVI of France wearing the red Phrygian cap of liberty and drinking a toast to the nation, as he did during the Demonstration of 20 June 1792. Etching by an unknown author, c. 1792. Library of Congress, Washington...
Planting of a Liberty Tree in Revolutionary France
Image by Jean-Baptiste Lesueur

Planting of a Liberty Tree in Revolutionary France

During the French Revolution, a liberty tree was a way for a village or community to show solidarity with the Revolution and devotion to the patrie (fatherland). Gouache on paper by Jean-Baptiste Lesueur, c. 1790. Musée Carnavalet, Paris...
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
Image by Library of Congress

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" Patrick Henry delivering his great speech on the rights of the colonies, before the Virginia Assembly, convened at Richmond, 23 March 1775, concluding with the above sentiment, which became the war cry...