Search Results: Paul the Apostle


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Paul the Apostle
Definition by Rebecca Denova

Paul the Apostle

Paul was a follower of Jesus Christ who famously converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus after persecuting the very followers of the community that he joined. However, as we will see, Paul is better described as one of the founders...
Paul the Apostle
Image by RomanZ

Paul the Apostle

Russian Orthodox icon of the Apostle Paul, 18th century CE. Kizhi Monastery, Karelia, Russia.
The Letters of Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles
Article by Rebecca Denova

The Letters of Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles

Paul was a member of the Jewish Pharisees in the 1st century CE, who experienced a revelation of the resurrected Jesus Christ. In this vision, Jesus commissioned him to be the apostle (herald) to the Gentiles (non-Jews). After this experience...
The Journeys of Paul the Apostle, c. 55 CE
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Journeys of Paul the Apostle, c. 55 CE

This map illustrates the journeys of Paul the Apostle (aka Saul of Tarsus, or Saint Paul, generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age) in the middle of the 1st century CE. The map depicts the spread of early...
Paul the Apostle's Third Missionary Journey (c. 53-57 CE)
Image by Simeon Netchev

Paul the Apostle's Third Missionary Journey (c. 53-57 CE)

Paul the Apostle undertook multiple missionary journeys across the Roman Empire to spread Christianity, establish churches, and strengthen the faith of early Christians. Paul's third missionary journey focused on revisiting and strengthening...
Paul the Apostle's Second Missionary Journey (c. 49-52 CE)
Image by Simeon Netchev

Paul the Apostle's Second Missionary Journey (c. 49-52 CE)

Paul the Apostle undertook multiple missionary journeys across the Roman Empire to spread Christianity, establish churches, and strengthen the faith of early Christians. Paul's second missionary journey, accompanied by Silas and later...
The First Christian Missionaries
Article by Rebecca Denova

The First Christian Missionaries

According to Luke's Acts of the Apostles, the last thing Jesus did before he bodily ascended to heaven was to commission the disciples to 'witness' to his teachings. 'Disciple' meant 'student' and was derived from the various schools of philosophy...
Paul the Apostle's First Missionary Journey (c. 46-48 CE)
Image by Simeon Netchev

Paul the Apostle's First Missionary Journey (c. 46-48 CE)

Paul the Apostle undertook multiple missionary journeys across the Roman Empire to spread Christianity, establish churches, and strengthen the faith of early Christians. Paul's first missionary journey, accompanied by Barnabas and...
John Paul Jones
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

John Paul Jones

John Paul Jones (1747-1792) was a Scottish-born sailor who served in the Continental Navy during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). His raid on the English port town of Whitehaven in 1778 and his victory over the HMS Serapis the...
Paul the Apostle's Journey to Rome (c. 57-60 CE)
Image by Simeon Netchev

Paul the Apostle's Journey to Rome (c. 57-60 CE)

Paul the Apostle undertook multiple journeys across the Roman Empire to spread his teachings, establish communities, and support early Christian groups. Paul's journey to Rome, undertaken as a prisoner appealing his case to the Roman...