Search Results: Oswald of Northumbria


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Oswald of Northumbria
Definition by Wesley Fiorentino

Oswald of Northumbria

Oswald of Northumbria (c. 604 - c. 642 CE) was a 7th-century Anglo-Saxon king and saint. He came to power in Northumbria c. 633 or 634 CE following his victory over Cadwallon ap Cadfan, King of Gwynedd. Oswald ruled over the Northumbrian...
Oswald of Northumbria
Image by Fr Lawrence Lew, O. P.

Oswald of Northumbria

Detail from a reredos in St Aidan's church in Bamburgh of the martyr and king of Northumbria, St Oswald.
Kingdom of Northumbria
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Kingdom of Northumbria

The Kingdom of Northumbria (c. 604-954 CE) was a political entity in the north of modern-day Britain with Mercia directly to the south, the Kingdoms of the Welsh to the west, and the land of the Picts to the north; the eastern line of the...
Hilda of Whitby
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Hilda of Whitby

Hilda of Whitby (also known as Saint Hilda of Whitby, l. 614-680 CE) was the founder and abbess of the monastery at Whitby, Kingdom of Northumbria, Britain. She was a Northumbrian princess who converted to Christianity with the rest of the...
Definition by Wesley Fiorentino


Bede (c. 673-735 CE) was an English monk, historian, and scholar who lived in the Kingdom of Northumbria. He is at times referred to as the Venerable Bede or Bede the Venerable. He was a monk at the double monastery of Monkwearmouth-Jarrow...
Kingdom of Mercia
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Kingdom of Mercia

The Kingdom of Mercia (c. 527-879 CE) was an Anglo-Saxon political entity located in the midlands of present-day Britain and bordered on the south by the Kingdom of Wessex, on the west by Wales, north by Northumbria, and on the east by East...
St Oswald & St Aidan
Image by Fr Lawrence Lew, O. P.

St Oswald & St Aidan

Detail from a window in Newcastle Cathedral of St Oswald who worked closely with St Aidan of Lindisfarne to evangelize the people of Northumbria. St Oswald was king of Northumbria but was killed in 642 by a pagan king, and so is considered...
Saint Cuthbert
Definition by Wesley Fiorentino

Saint Cuthbert

Saint Cuthbert (c. 634 - 20 March 687) was an Anglo-Saxon monk from the Kingdom of Northumbria, who became the bishop of Lindisfarne and one of the most important saints of the medieval church in England. He first became a monk at Melrose...
The Battle of Dun Nectain
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Battle of Dun Nectain

The Battle of Dun Nechtain (also known as The Battle of Dunnichen, The Battle of Nechtanemere, Lin Garan, and The Battle of Nechtan) was a pivotal engagement between the Northumbrians under their king Ecgfrith and the Picts under the leadership...
St Cuthbert with St Oswald's head
Image by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.

St Cuthbert with St Oswald's head

This is a detail of an alabaster statuette in the reredos of Newcastle Cathedral.