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Egyptian Gods - The Complete List
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Egyptian Gods - The Complete List

The gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt were an integral part of the people's everyday lives for over 3,000 years. There were over 2,000 deities in the Egyptian pantheon, many whose names are well known - Isis, Osiris, Horus, Amun, Ra, Hathor...
The Mesopotamian Pantheon
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Mesopotamian Pantheon

The gods of the Mesopotamian region were not uniform in name, power, provenance or status in the hierarchy. Mesopotamian culture varied from region to region and, because of this, Marduk should not be regarded as King of the Gods in the same...
The Ancient Celtic Pantheon
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Ancient Celtic Pantheon

The ancient Celtic pantheon consisted of over 400 gods and goddesses who represented everything from rivers to warfare. With perhaps the exception of Lugh, the Celtic gods were not universally worshipped across Iron Age Europe but were very...
The Hymn to Ninkasi, Goddess of Beer
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Hymn to Ninkasi, Goddess of Beer

The Hymn to Ninkasi is at once a song of praise to Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of beer, and an ancient recipe for brewing. Written down in c. 1800 BCE, the hymn is no doubt much older as evidenced by the techniques it details which scholars...
Hygieia, the Goddess of Health
Article by Mark Beumer

Hygieia, the Goddess of Health

Modern medicine has its origin in the ancient world. The oldest civilizations used magic and herbs to cure their sick people, but they also used religion to free them from harm and to protect their health. The medical care of today has its...
Definition by Louise Pryke


Ishtar (Inanna in Sumerian sources) is a primary Mesopotamian goddess closely associated with love and war. This powerful Mesopotamian goddess is the first known deity for which we have written evidence. While largely unknown in the modern...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Inanna is the ancient Sumerian goddess of love, sensuality, fertility, procreation, and also of war. She later became identified by the Akkadians and Assyrians as the goddess Ishtar, and further with the Hittite Sauska, the Phoenician Astarte...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Aphrodite was the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, desire, and all aspects of sexuality. She could entice both gods and men into illicit affairs with her beauty and whispered sweet nothings. Aphrodite was born near Cyprus from the severed...
Aztec Pantheon
Article by Mark Cartwright

Aztec Pantheon

The gods of the Aztecs (1345-1521 CE) were many and varied and, as with many other ancient cultures, deities were closely associated with things and events important to the culture and the general welfare of the community. These include gods...
Greek Goddess Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon in Greek Mythology
Video by Kelly Macquire

Greek Goddess Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon in Greek Mythology

The Greek goddess Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, wild nature and the moon in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Leto and Zeus, and the twin sister to Apollo, the god of the sun, medicine and music among others. Artemis was a patron...