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Temple of Augustus, Barcelona
Image by Carole Raddato

Temple of Augustus, Barcelona

The remaining columns of the Temple of Augustus in Barcelona (Spain). It was built during the early Imperial period in the Roman colony of Barcino as a place of worship for Emperor Augustus (27 BC - 14 CE).
Ignatius of Loyola
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ignatius of Loyola

Ignatius of Loyola (l. 1491-1556) was a Basque soldier who became a Catholic priest and theologian after a mystical experience convinced him he was called to the service of Christ. He founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) to defend the Church...
Marquis de Condorcet
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Marquis de Condorcet

Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794), also known as Nicolas de Condorcet, was a French philosopher, political theorist, and mathematician. His ideas, encompassing a wide range of topics from education to...
In the Forest - Exhibition Interview Schweizerisches Landesmuseum
Interview by James Blake Wiener

In the Forest - Exhibition Interview Schweizerisches Landesmuseum

The forest is a habitat for people, animals, and plants, a provider of invaluable resources, and an ally in the fight against climate change. The greatest beneficiary of the forest is humanity – but it is also its greatest threat. Over the...
Peninsular War
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Peninsular War

The Peninsular War (1807-1814), also known as the War of Spanish Independence, was a major conflict of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) that was waged in the Iberian Peninsula by Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom against the invading...
Galla Placidia
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Galla Placidia

Galla Placidia (388-450 CE), the future empress, was the half-sister of the Westen Roman emperor Flavius Honorius (r. 395-423 CE), and the daughter of Theodosius the Great (r. 379-395 CE). She was taken hostage by Alaric during the sack of...
A Brief History of the Dog Collar
Article by Joshua J. Mark

A Brief History of the Dog Collar

The dog collar, so often taken for granted, has a long and illustrious history. Anyone fortunate enough to share their life with a dog in the present day is participating in an ancient tradition every time they place a collar around their...
Top 10 Sights along Hadrian's Wall
Article by Carole Raddato

Top 10 Sights along Hadrian's Wall

The 1,900th anniversary of the visit of the Roman emperor Hadrian (r. 117-138 CE) to Britain and the construction of the wall that bears his name will be observed in 2022. A year-long festival will be held, filled with hundreds of events...
The Court of Abd al-Rahman III
Image by BomBom

The Court of Abd al-Rahman III

Abd al-Rahman III Receiving the Ambassador by Dionisio Baixeras Verdaguer (1862–1943 CE). Oil on canvas, 1885 CE. University of Barcelona
Passover Preparations in the Sister Haggadah
Image by British LIbrary

Passover Preparations in the Sister Haggadah

This miniature depicts the preparation for Passover. In the upper register, a man distributes unleavened bread (matzot). In the lower register, two women clean the house for the Seder dinner while a father and son look for any leaven left...