Search Results: Abraham, the Patriarch


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Abraham, the Patriarch
Definition by John S. Knox

Abraham, the Patriarch

In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Abraham is a venerated patriarch whose relationship with God provides the foundational story for God's beneficial relationship with humanity. According to biblical tradition (and some say myth), Abraham...
Young Tsar Alexis and Patriarch Nikon
Image by Alexander Litovchenko

Young Tsar Alexis and Patriarch Nikon

Young Tsar Alexis (Alexei) Praying Before the Relics of Metropolitan Philip in the Presence of Patriarch Nikon, oil on canvas by Alexander Litovchenko, 1886. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.
Definition by Liana Miate


Tsar (also czar) is a Slavic term derived from the Latin caesar. Ivan III (Ivan the Great) (r. 1462-1505) was the first Russian ruler to begin using the title of tsar during his reign instead of the title Grand Prince of Moscow. His grandson...
Sarah Presenting Hagar to Abraham
Image by Thomas Hawk

Sarah Presenting Hagar to Abraham

Sarah Presenting Hagar to Abraham by Louis Jean Francois Lagrenee Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Definition by Rebecca Denova


God' is the common word for the identity of a higher being in the universe beyond our world, the creator of all known existence, and who rules in conjunction with lower gradients of divinity (angels). In Greek, theikos ("divine") meant to...
Image by Lawrence OP


Stained glass from St Edmundsbury Cathedral.
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Canaan was the name of a large and prosperous ancient country (at times independent, at others a tributary to Egypt) located in the Levant region of present-day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Israel. It was also known as Phoenicia. The origin...
Women in the Old Testament
Article by Rebecca Denova

Women in the Old Testament

Modern practitioners of Judaism and Christianity often turn to the Bible for stories concerning women and their roles in ancient religion and society. It is important to acknowledge that these stories were written by men. The male perspectives...
The Angels before Abraham & Sacrifice of Isaac by Ghiberti
Image by Ricardo André Frantz

The Angels before Abraham & Sacrifice of Isaac by Ghiberti

A panel from the east doors of Florence’s Baptistery of San Giovanni. Made from 1425 CE by Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455 CE). Gilded bronze. This panel shows the angels appearing before Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac. The artist Michelangelo...
Abraham Lincoln
Image by Anthony Berger

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, photograph by Anthony Berger, 9 February 1864. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.