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The Artist Project: Tomb of Perneb - Sarah Sze
Video by The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Artist Project: Tomb of Perneb - Sarah Sze

Sarah Sze on the Tomb of Perneb "I think a lot of people panic, and it's not just the claustrophobia: it is the intensity of that experience." The Artist Project is a 2015 online series in which we give artists an opportunity to respond...
Teng Shih
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Teng Shih

Teng Shih (l. c. 500 BCE) was a Chinese Sophist and lawyer who lived and wrote in the province of Cheng (Pengcheng, modern-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu province) during the era of the Spring and Autumn Period (c. 772-476 BCE) which preceded the Warring...
National Geographic Live! - Fredrik Hiebert: Peruvian Gold
Video by National Geographic

National Geographic Live! - Fredrik Hiebert: Peruvian Gold

Marvel at centuries of dazzling craftsmanship in gold and silver with National Geographic Archaeology Fellow Fredrik Hiebert as he explores the history and treasures of Peru's rich pre-Inca heritage. Upcoming Events at National Geographic...
National Geographic Live! - Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo: The Statues That Walked
Video by National Geographic

National Geographic Live! - Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo: The Statues That Walked

Easter Island archaeologists Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo offer a radically different theory of the island's history. Upcoming Events at National Geographic Live! Read the Book
Roman Theaters - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Roman Theaters - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

Theaters in Rome were constructed temporarily in the Republican era for annual festivals, notably for Magna Mater on the Palatine and Apollo in the Campus Martius. The structures were made of wood and set up fo the performances, then dismantled...
Roman Arches (General) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Roman Arches (General) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The arch is one of the most quintessential features of Roman architecture. It appears in aqueduct arcades, bridges, and many monumental structures like free-standing amphitheaters, stadiums, etc. Although the Romans didn’t create the arch...
Imperial Rostra - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Imperial Rostra - Ancient Rome Live

The imperial rostra was created by Julius Caesar and expanded by Augustus. It the speaker's platform in the forum, originally a curved wall portion of the round Comitium, decoded with bronze ship rams after a naval victory in 338 BCE. Augustus...
Capitoline Insula - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Capitoline Insula - Ancient Rome Live

Insula (plural: insulae) was an ancient Latin term for a city block, but it was also the name of a type of tenement building common in ancient Roman cities. These cramped, often haphazardly constructed buildings usually had lower levels made...
National Geographic Live! - Palenque and the Ancient Maya World
Video by National Geographic

National Geographic Live! - Palenque and the Ancient Maya World

Archaeologists and National Geographic grantees George and David Stuart offer keen insights into the art and culture of the Mayans.
Arcus Argentariorum (Arch of Argentarii) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Arcus Argentariorum (Arch of Argentarii) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)

The Severan-era arch was commissioned by the bankers and merchants of the Forum Boarium (204 CE) in honor of the emperor Septimius Severus, according to the dedicatory inscription (CIL 6.1035). The entire monument, abutted by the much later...