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A Day in the Life of an Ancient Babylonian Business Mogul
Video by TED-Ed

A Day in the Life of an Ancient Babylonian Business Mogul

Follow Beltani, a Babylonian priestess and businesswoman, as she investigates who is undermining her barley fields and tavern. — It's 1762 BCE. As dawn breaks in the Babylonian city of Sippar, Beltani— a priestess and businesswoman&mdash...
Ancient Egyptian Science & Technology
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Science & Technology

The great temples and monuments of ancient Egypt continue to fascinate and amaze people in the modern day. The sheer size and scope of structures like the Great Pyramid at Giza or the Temple of Amun at Karnak or the Colossi of Memnon are...
Battle of Waterloo
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Waterloo

The Battle of Waterloo (18 June 1815) was the last major engagement of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815), fought by a French army under Emperor Napoleon I (r. 1804-1814; 1815) against two armies of the Seventh Coalition. Waterloo resulted in...
Women Scientists in the Scientific Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

Women Scientists in the Scientific Revolution

Women scientists during the Scientific Revolution (1500-1700) were few in number because male-dominated educational institutions, as well as scientific societies and academies, barred women entry, meaning that few had the education or opportunity...
Battle of Edgehill
Article by Mark Cartwright

Battle of Edgehill

The Battle of Edgehill in Warwickshire on 23 October 1642 was an early engagement in the English Civil Wars (1642-1651) and the first major battle of that conflict. The Royalist forces loyal to Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649) met an army...
The Debate Between Sheep and Grain
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Debate Between Sheep and Grain

The Debate Between Sheep and Grain (c. 2000 BCE) is one of the best-known Sumerian literary debates in a genre that was popular entertainment by the late 3rd millennium BCE. In this piece, personifications of grain and sheep argue which is...
Chariots in Ancient Chinese Warfare
Article by Mark Cartwright

Chariots in Ancient Chinese Warfare

The chariot was used in Chinese warfare from around 1250 BCE but enjoyed its heyday between the 8th and 5th century BCE when various states were constantly battling for control of China. Employed as a status symbol, a shock weapon, to pursue...
Battle of Naseby
Article by Mark Cartwright

Battle of Naseby

The Battle of Naseby in Northamptonshire on 14 June 1645 was one of the most important battles of the English Civil Wars (1642-1651). The Royalists, led in person by King Charles, were soundly defeated by the Parliamentarians' numerically...
Cliffs, Caves, Churches: A Weekend in Doolin, Ireland
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cliffs, Caves, Churches: A Weekend in Doolin, Ireland

County Clare, Ireland, is best known for the Cliffs of Moher, the ancient dolmen of Poulnabrone, and its rich musical heritage, but it offers many other fascinating sites and, most importantly, the hospitality and warmth of the people in...
Abbasid Dynasty
Definition by Syed Muhammad Khan

Abbasid Dynasty

The Abbasids were an Arabic dynasty that initially ruled over most of the Islamic empire (save some western parts) after assuming the caliphate in 750 CE, later on, their empire fragmented, however, they retained spiritual supremacy as caliphs...