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Battle of Poitiers, 1356 CE
Article by Mark Cartwright

Battle of Poitiers, 1356 CE

The Battle of Poitiers on 19 September 1356 CE was the second great battle of the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE) after Crécy (1346 CE) and, once again, it was the English who won. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376 CE), son of Edward...
John Wycliffe with the Bible
Image by Ford Madox Brown

John Wycliffe with the Bible

John Wycliffe reading his translation of the Bible to John of Gaunt, oil on canvas painting by Ford Madox Brown between 1847 and 1861. Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, Bradford.
Portrait of John Hancock, c. 1765
Image by John Singleton Copley

Portrait of John Hancock, c. 1765

John Hancock (1737-1793), a wealthy Boston merchant and future American Founding Father and signer of the Declaration of Independence, oil on canvas by John Singleton Copley, 1765. Museum of Fine Arts Boston.
John Cotton & Henry Vane Plaque
Image by Daderot

John Cotton & Henry Vane Plaque

Plaque commemorating John Cotton (l. 1585-1652 CE) and Sir Henry Vane (l. 1613-1662 CE), near the John Adams Courthouse, Boston, Massachusetts.
Portrait of John Hancock
Image by John Singleton Copley

Portrait of John Hancock

Portrait of John Hancock (1737-1793), oil on canvas by John Singleton Copley, c. 1770. Massachusetts Historical Society.
John III Doukas Vatatzes
Image by Cplakidas

John III Doukas Vatatzes

John III Doukas Vatatzes, Emperor of Nicaea (1222–1254 CE) 15th century CE manuscript, History of John Zonaras, Mutinensis gr.122, f.294r, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, Modena.
John Knox House, Edinburgh, Scotland
Image by Kim Traynor

John Knox House, Edinburgh, Scotland

John Knox House, High Street, Edinburgh, Scotland. Allegedly, the house in which Scottish reformer John Knox spent his last years and died.
John Lee
Image by John Lee

John Lee

Image of John Lee, author of The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert.
The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert
Image by John Lee

The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert

The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert by John Lee.
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Pocahontas (l. c. 1596-1617, also known as Amonute, Matoaka) was the daughter of Wahunsenacah (l. c. 1547 - c. 1618, also known as Chief Powhatan), leader of the Powhatan Confederacy in the region of modern-day Virginia, United States. She...