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Miracle of St. Mark by Tintoretto
Image by Didier Descouens

Miracle of St. Mark by Tintoretto

The Miracle of Saint Mark Rescuing a Slave by the Italian Renaissance artist Tintoretto (c. 1518-1594 CE). 1548 CE. (Academia, Venice)
Top 5 Facts - Aristotle
Video by History Answers

Top 5 Facts - Aristotle

A pioneering philosopher and one of the most pivotal in a line of great men who informed our understanding of the world; here are 5 facts about Aristotle. For more historical facts and features, visit
The Oldest Known Melody (Hurrian Hymn no.6 - c.1400 B.C.)
Video by DamianMusicChannel4

The Oldest Known Melody (Hurrian Hymn no.6 - c.1400 B.C.)

The Oldest known musical melody performed by the very talented Michael Levy on the Lyre. This ancient musical fragment dates back to 1400 B.C.E. and was discovered in the 1950's in Ugarit, Syria. It was interpreted by Dr. Richard Dumbrill...
Ching Shih: The Pirate Widow Menace of the South China Sea
Video by Biographics

Ching Shih: The Pirate Widow Menace of the South China Sea

You can subscribe to Highlight History here: Source/Further reading: Historical Context:
A New History of the Ancient Near East with Amanda Podany
Video by Kelly Macquire

A New History of the Ancient Near East with Amanda Podany

Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East by Amanda H. Podany is a unique history of the ancient Near East that compellingly presents the life stories of kings, priestesses, merchants, bricklayers, and others. Rather...
Virtual Rome: an Interview with Dr. Matthew Nicholls
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

Virtual Rome: an Interview with Dr. Matthew Nicholls

Dr. Matthew Nicholls from the University of Reading sat down with James Lloyd, AHE's Video Editor, to discuss his Virtual Rome project. This project recreates the city of Rome c.317 CE, including vast public buildings such as the Colosseum...