Search Results: Mass society


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Trade Union Scroll for the Amalgamated Society of Engineers
Image by Science Museum, London

Trade Union Scroll for the Amalgamated Society of Engineers

A trade union scroll for the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, created in January 1851. The scroll shows illustrations of important engineers and inventions during the Industrial Revolution. (Science Museum, London)
Royal Society Copley Medal
Image by Teresa Stokes

Royal Society Copley Medal

An example of a Copley Medal, the oldest medal awarded by the Royal Society for making an outstanding contribution to the field of scientific knowledge, first issued in 1731.
The Feudal Society in Medieval Europe
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Feudal Society in Medieval Europe

An illustration depicting the strict hierarchical structure of the societies of Western Europe in the Middle Ages (c.10th-13th century) based on a tenement-based distribution of the land into units or "fiefs." During a period commonly known...
Ancient Roman Society and Social Order
Video by Kelly Macquire

Ancient Roman Society and Social Order

Rome began as a small city on the banks of the Tiber River in Italy. The Latin tribes (also known as the Latini or Latians) inhabited the region c. 1000 BCE but the founding of the city is dated to 753 BCE. The family was the center and foundation...
Government & Society in Ancient Rome
Quiz by Marion Wadowski

Government & Society in Ancient Rome

Roman Government society Consul Praetor Aedile Quaestor Censor Plebeians Patricians Equites Freedmen SPQR Tribal Assembly Centuriate Assembly The Senate The Tribune
Women & The Family - Ancient Greek Society 08
Video by Digital Diogenes

Women & The Family - Ancient Greek Society 08

Ancient Greek women had very different outcomes in life depending on where they were born, and the class they were born into. Some could be isolated, valued only for their ability to bear children. Some could be prostititutes ...and others...
Dog Soldiers | Cheyenne Warrior Society
Video by Native American History

Dog Soldiers | Cheyenne Warrior Society

The history of the Cheyenne Dog Soldiers. One of the most interesting warrior society from their forming in the early 19 century. They played a huge role in what was then the western frontier fighting alongside their Sioux, Arapaho and Cheyenne...
White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Takes a Stand against Domestic Violence
Video by National Indigenous Times News

White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Takes a Stand against Domestic Violence

For 45 years, the White Buffalo Calf Women's Society has aided vulnerable women and children in South Dakota, tackling domestic violence and related issues, while highlighting the ongoing need for funding and collaboration in Tribal communities...
The Pawnee Seed Preservation Society Revive Ancient Ties to Ancestors | Seed Warriors | PBS
Video by PBS

The Pawnee Seed Preservation Society Revive Ancient Ties to Ancestors | Seed Warriors | PBS

Official website: In Seed Warriors, filmmaker Rebekka Schlichting follows a group of seed keepers as they work to regain food sovereignty in their ancestral homelands of Nebraska. By reclaiming their sacred corn...
White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Offers Shelter
Video by KELOLAND News

White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Offers Shelter

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