Search Results: Political Philosophy


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Thales of Miletus
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Thales of Miletus

Thales of Miletus (l. c. 585 BCE) is regarded as the first Western philosopher and mathematician. He was born and lived in Miletus, a Greek colony in Ionia (modern Turkey) referenced as the birthplace of Greek Philosophy because of his high...
René Descartes
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

René Descartes

René Descartes (1596-1650) was a French mathematician, natural scientist, and philosopher, best known by the phrase 'Cogito ergo sum' ('I think therefore I am'). He published works on optics, coordinate geometry, physiology, and cosmology...
Musonius Rufus
Definition by Gilad Sommer

Musonius Rufus

Gaius Musonius Rufus (c. 30 CE - c. 101 CE) was an influential 1st-century CE Stoic philosopher. While in modern times he is best known for being the teacher of Epictetus (c. 50 CE - c. 130 CE), Rufus was a highly respected figure in ancient...
Social Contract
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Social Contract

The social contract is an idea in philosophy that at some real or hypothetical point in the past, humans left the state of nature to join together and form societies by mutually agreeing which rights they would enjoy and how they would be...
Immanuel Kant
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Immanuel Kant

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a German Enlightenment thinker who is widely regarded as one of the most important philosophers of any period. His most famous works of critical philosophy include The Critique of Pure Reason, which challenged...
Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius
Image by Coëtivy Master (possibly Henri de Vulcop)

Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius

Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (c. 475-525 CE) is depicted on the far left. An allegory of Philosophy presents to him the allegories of the Seven Liberal Arts dressed in 15th century clothing, each holding a symbol of their subject; from...
The Philosophy of Stoicism - Massimo Pigliucci
Video by TED-Ed

The Philosophy of Stoicism - Massimo Pigliucci

View full lesson: What is the best life we can live? How can we cope with whatever the universe throws at us and keep thriving nonetheless? The ancient Greco-Roman...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Pyrrho of Elis (l. c. 360 to c. 270 BCE) was a Greek skeptic philosopher credited with founding the school of Pyrrhonism which taught that one must resist making judgments or stating conclusions because sense perception did not correlate...
Mo Ti
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Mo Ti

Mo Ti (l. 470-391 BCE, also known as Mot Tzu, Mozi, and Micius) was a Chinese philosopher of the Warring States Period (c. 481-221 BCE) associated with the Hundred Schools of Thought (different philosophical schools which established themselves...
Boethius & Lady Philosophy
Image by Unknown

Boethius & Lady Philosophy

Boethius and Lady Philosophy, a hand-painted illustration from an early print of Boethius' (c. 477-524/5) Consolation of Philosophy, Ghent, 1485. Library of Congress, Washington D. C.