Search Results: Cleopatra Selene II


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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Tigranocerta (Tigranakert) was a city in the southwest of ancient Armenia founded and made capital by Tigranes the Great in 83 BCE. Famous for its riches and fine buildings, as well as its mix of Hellenistic and Persian culture, the city...
Ptolemaic Dynasty in Ancient Egypt
Lesson by Patrick Goodman

Ptolemaic Dynasty in Ancient Egypt

We have prepared one lesson plan including classroom activities, assignments, homework, and keys as well as: Open questions adaptable for debates, presentations, and essays Recommended resources to provide you and your students with...
The Life and Legacy of Mark Antony with Jeff Tatum
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Life and Legacy of Mark Antony with Jeff Tatum

A complex and captivating portrait of Mark Antony that offers a fresh perspective on the fall of the Roman Republic In his lifetime, Mark Antony was a famous man. Ally and avenger of Julius Caesar, rhetorical target of Cicero, lover of...
Ptolemaic Army
Definition by Arienne King

Ptolemaic Army

The army of Ptolemaic Egypt was a well-organized fighting force trained in Hellenistic warfare. The Ptolemaic dynasty used their considerable wealth to maintain a large standing army of professional soldiers. Some troops were paid in money...
Seleucid Empire
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Seleucid Empire

The Seleucid Empire (312-63 BCE) was the vast political entity established by Seleucus I Nicator ("Victor" or "Unconquered", l. c. 358-281 BCE, r. 305-281 BCE), one of the generals of Alexander the Great who claimed a part of his empire after...
Definition by Arienne King


The Dodekaschoinos (literally "Twelve Cities" in Greek) was the name of a region in Lower Nubia that became an important province of the Ptolemaic Kingdom after it was annexed from Meroitic Nubia by the Egyptian kingdom. The area...
Alexandros I Balas
Article by Adrian Dumitru

Alexandros I Balas

Alexandros I Balas was a Seleucid king from 152 BC to 145 BCE. As the Seleucid king Demetrius I Soter (162-150 BCE) became more and more unpopular due to his arrogance and drunkenness, it was quite an easy task for the rival kingdoms, such...
The History of Astronomy in the Ancient World
Video by Kelly Macquire

The History of Astronomy in the Ancient World

The history of astronomy in the Ancient World can be traced back thousands of years, and well before the Ancient Greek philosophers famously worked on it. It is generally agreed that the discipline of astronomy began in the region of Mesopotamia...
Set the Egyptian God of Chaos, Storms and War
Video by Kelly Macquire

Set the Egyptian God of Chaos, Storms and War

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Set, also known as Seth and Suetekh, was one of the five gods born of Geb, the earth and Nut, the sky, after the creation of the universe. Set was the god of war, chaos, violence, confusion, the desert and storms...
The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza, located in the Giza plateau near the modern Egyptian city of Cairo, is the last surviving of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The pyramid was built over a twenty-year period during the reign of Khufu who...