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Boccaccio on the Black Death: Text & Commentary
The Black Death is the name given to the plague outbreak in Europe between 1347-1352 CE. The term was only coined after 1800 CE in reference to the black buboes (growths) which erupted in the groin, armpit, and around the ears of those infected...

The Spread of the Plague in Europe, 1346 - 1353
A map illustrating the rapid spread of the 14th-century plague pandemic commonly known as the "Black Death", across Europe and the Middle East. The second such pandemic (after the 541 - 549 outbreak during the reign of the Roman emperor Justinian...

Rats in A Plague Tale: Innocence
Amicia de Rune keeping a sea of rats at bay with a burning stick in the video game A Plague Tale: Innocence.

Victims of Cyprian plague
Archaeologists in Thebes have discovered a burial for victims of the 3rd-century CE Cyprian Plague.

The Plague at Athens
The Plague at Athens' by Nicolas Poussin depicting the infamous plague which struck ancient Athens in 430-427 BCE. (Gallery of Sir Frederick Cook, Richmond, UK)

A Plague Tale: Innocence - Overview Gameplay Trailer
Available May 14: Website: Facebook: Twitter: A Plague Tale: Innocence - Experience crafting, alchemy...

The Plague by Arnold Bocklin
The Plague by Arnold Böcklin, 1827–1901 CE. (Kunstmuseum, Basel, Switzerland)

Three Doctors Attend a Man with the Plague
Woodcutting of a plague-stricken man lying in bed, attended by three physicians. From the Pestbuch, a 16th Century CE medical treatise by Hieronymous Brunschwig (c. 1450-1512 CE). (Courtesy of the Historical Medical Library of The College...

17th-century Depiction of Plague Doctor
A depiction of "Doctor Schnabel" ("Schnabel" is literally German for "Beak"), a plague doctor in Rome. The illustration appeared in a 17th -century German satirical manuscript. The engraving was first published by Paul Fürst (1608–1666...

Pharaoh, Victim of the 10th Plague of Egypt
A late 19th century CE painting by Tissot depicting Pharaoh as the victim of the tenth plague of Egypt where all first-born males are killed.