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Philip II of Spain by Moro
Image by Antonio Moro

Philip II of Spain by Moro

A 16th century CE portrait by Giacomo Antonio Moro of Philip II of Spain (r. 1556-1598 CE).
Philip II, Macedonian Silver Tetradrachm
Image by Mark Cartwright

Philip II, Macedonian Silver Tetradrachm

Macedonian silver tetradrachm from the reign of Philip II, 359-336 BCE. O: Head of Zeus. R: Horseman carrying a palm branch.
Battle of Pydna
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Battle of Pydna

The Battle of Pydna in June 168 BCE was a decisive Roman victory that ended the Third Macedonian War and established Rome as the dominant power in the Mediterranean. The Roman Republic was expanding, enlarging its sphere of influence along...
Philip II of Rome (Facial Reconstruction
Image by Daniel Voshart

Philip II of Rome (Facial Reconstruction

A photorealistic reconstruction of what the Roman emperor Philip II (r. 247-249 CE) may have looked like. The young emperor was elevated to co-emperor by his father in 247 CE at the age of 10. Based on contemporary and near contemporary descriptions...
The Great Swamp Fight: The Bloodiest Day of King Philip's War
Video by Atun-Shei Films

The Great Swamp Fight: The Bloodiest Day of King Philip's War

In December 1675 CE, in the midst of King Philip's War, an army of Puritan colonists made a preemptive strike against the neutral Narragansett tribe. Their desperate battle in the snowy wilderness of Rhode Island became a touchstone in the...
The Sudbury Fight, 1676: A Decisive Native American Victory in King Philip's War
Video by Atun-Shei Films

The Sudbury Fight, 1676: A Decisive Native American Victory in King Philip's War

On April 21st 1676 CE, a company of eighty Massachusetts militiamen fought to the death against a Native American army five hundred strong in one of the climactic battles of King Philip's War.
Battle of Crécy
Article by Mark Cartwright

Battle of Crécy

The Battle of Crécy on 26 August 1346 CE saw an English army defeat a much larger French force in the first great battle of the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE). Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE) and his son Edward the Black Prince...
Philip IV of France
Image by PHGCOM

Philip IV of France

Philip the Fair (r. 1285-1314 CE), Saint-Denis Basilica.
Philip Melanchthon Medal
Image by Friedrich Hagenauer

Philip Melanchthon Medal

A medal portraying a German philosopher Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560). Copper alloy with warm brown patina, created by Friedrich Hagenauer around 1543. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Roman Emperor Philip the Arab
Image by Carole Raddato

Roman Emperor Philip the Arab

Marble head of Roman Emperor Philip the Arab, from Rome, 244-249 CE. (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen)