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Li Qinghzao and the Song Dynasty
Teaching Material by Jennifer Alberghini

Li Qinghzao and the Song Dynasty

This lesson plan delves into the Song Dynasty through the writings of Li Qingzhao, a renowned female poet. Students will explore major historical events and societal changes during this period by examining an encyclopedia article and Li Qingzhao’s...
Ptolemaic Dynasty in Ancient Egypt
Lesson by Patrick Goodman

Ptolemaic Dynasty in Ancient Egypt

We have prepared one lesson plan including classroom activities, assignments, homework, and keys as well as: Open questions adaptable for debates, presentations, and essays Recommended resources to provide you and your students with a...
Rome under the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Rome under the Julio-Claudian Dynasty

The Julio-Claudians were the first dynasty to rule the Roman Empire. After the death of the dictator-for-life Julius Caesar in 44 BCE, his adopted son Octavian - later to become known as Augustus (r. 27 BCE - 14 CE) - fought a civil war against...
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Julio-Claudian Dynasty

The Julio-Claudian dynasty is the collective name given to the first five emperors of the ancient Roman Empire. The name of the dynasty derives from the names of the two families from which its members came: the Julii Caesares and Claudii...
Faces of Roman Emperors: Nerva to the Severan Dynasty
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Faces of Roman Emperors: Nerva to the Severan Dynasty

A series of facial reconstructions of Roman emperors from the Nerva-Antonine Dynasty (96 CE-192 CE), the Year of the Five Emperors (193 CE) and the Severan Dynasty (193-235 CE). These photorealistic representations are only best guesses at...
Mulan: The Legend Through History
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Mulan: The Legend Through History

Mulan (“magnolia”) is a legendary character in Chinese literature who is best known in the modern day from the Disney filmed adaptations (1998, 2020). Her story, however, about a young girl who takes her father's place in the army to help...
The Mongol Invasion of Europe
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Mongol Invasion of Europe

The Mongol invasions of Russia and Eastern Europe occurred first with a brief sortie in 1223 CE and then again in a much larger campaign between 1237 CE and 1242 CE. The Mongols, seemingly coming from nowhere and quickly gaining a reputation...
Yue Ware Water Vessel
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Yue Ware Water Vessel

Yue stoneware water-dropper vessel in the form of a frog or a toad holding an ear or wine cup. Glazed. Made in Shanglinhu. From Zhejiang province. South China. Western Jin Dynasty. 265-316 CE. (The British Museum, London).
Jurchen Falconer
Image by The British Museum

Jurchen Falconer

A 13th century CE painting on silk of a Jurchen falconer, of the Jin state, 1115-1234 CE. (British Museum, London)
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Goryeo (Koryo) ruled Korea from 918 to 1392. The kingdom oversaw an unprecedented flourishing in culture and arts with developments in architecture, ceramics, printing, and papermaking. The kingdom was repeatedly invaded by the Mongols in...