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Book of Job
Definition by Rebecca Denova

Book of Job

The book of Job in the Hebrew Bible is found among the books designated Ketuvim ("writings"), along with Ecclesiastes and the Book of Proverbs. All three belong to a genre known as wisdom literature. The books share a common ancient cultural...
The Book of Jonah
Article by Benjamin T. Laie

The Book of Jonah

The book of Jonah is the fifth book in the Christian canons and the Jewish Tanakh. It is one of 'Trei Asar' (The Twelve) prophets in the tanakh, and in Christian tradition as 'oi dodeka prophetai' or 'ton dodekapropheton' , Greek for "The...
Grief & Consolation in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Grief & Consolation in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess

In Geoffrey Chaucer's first major work, The Book of the Duchess (c. 1370 CE), two genres of medieval literature are combined – the French poetic convention of courtly love and the high medieval dream vision – to create a poem of enduring...
Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess Full Text & Summary
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess Full Text & Summary

The Book of the Duchess is the first major work of the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer (l. c. 1343-1400 CE), best known for his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales, composed in the last twelve years of his life and left unfinished at his death...
The Judgement of the Dead by Osiris
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

The Judgement of the Dead by Osiris

The judgement of the dead in the presence of Osiris, from the Book of the Dead of Hunefer, from Thebes, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c. 1275 BCE. The scene reads from left to right. To the left, Anubis brings Hunefer into the judgement area. Anubis...
Interview: Early Medieval Irish Book Art
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Early Medieval Irish Book Art

Early medieval Irish book art is both beautiful and fascinating. It reflects a flourishing monastic culture which played a key role in the cultural development of Europe from the 6th to 9th centuries CE. Nowhere is this more clearly illustrated...
Dead Sea Scroll Testimonia from Qumran
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Dead Sea Scroll Testimonia from Qumran

This is Dead Sea Scroll number 175 (4Q175), which was found in Cave 4 at Qumran (Khirbet Qumran or Wadi Qumran). It is also known as "The Testimonia". This scroll is a collection of scriptural quotations related to a messianic figure and...
Dead Sea Scroll Qohelet from Qumran
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Dead Sea Scroll Qohelet from Qumran

This is Dead Sea Scroll number 4Q109, known as Qohelet (Ecclesiastes), which was found in Cave 4 at Qumran (Khirbet Qumran or Wadi Qumran). The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient Jewish religious manuscripts. The majority were written in Hebrew...
Dead Sea Scroll 28 from Qumran
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Dead Sea Scroll 28 from Qumran

This is Dead Sea Scroll number 28a (1Q28a), which was found in Cave 1 at Qumran (Khirbet Qumran or Wadi Qumran). The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient Jewish religious manuscripts. The majority were written in Hebrew script on leather or papyrus...
Dead Sea Scroll of Pesher Isaiah
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Dead Sea Scroll of Pesher Isaiah

This is part of Pesher Isaiah, scroll number 4Q162, which was found in Cave 4 at Qumran (Khirbet Qumran or Wadi Qumran). A pesher is a type of commentary. The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient Jewish religious manuscripts. The majority were written...