English Original Language Translation Translator
Andreas Karlstadt Spanish Andreas Karlstadt Agustina Cardozo
Vesta Spanish Vesta Agustina Cardozo
Marie Dentière Spanish Marie Dentière Agustina Cardozo
The Arch of Titus, Rome Spanish Arco de Tito, Roma Agustina Cardozo
Nile Spanish Nilo Agustina Cardozo
Roman Citizenship Spanish Ciudadanía romana Agustina Cardozo
Alexander I of Scotland Spanish Alejandro I de Escocia Agustina Cardozo
Vasco da Gama Spanish Vasco da Gama Agustina Cardozo
Medusa Spanish Medusa Agustina Cardozo
Canons of the Council of Trent Spanish Cánones del Concilio de Trento Agustina Cardozo