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The Story Behind the Boston Tea Party - Ben Labaree
Video by TED-Ed

The Story Behind the Boston Tea Party - Ben Labaree

Discover what led American colonists in 1773 CE to toss tea into the Boston Harbor in what became known as the Boston Tea Party. — Before the Revolutionary War, American colonists were taxed heavily for importing tea from Britain. The...
Richard III - The Archaeological Dig
Video by University of Leicester

Richard III - The Archaeological Dig - Richard III Educational Resources Project manager Richard Buckley from University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS) discusses the 'Greyfriars Project', the excavation in August 2012 of a council...
Distorting Madonna in Medieval art - James Earle
Video by TED-Ed

Distorting Madonna in Medieval art - James Earle

View full lesson: After Rome was destroyed, people were wary of attachment to physical beauty. As Christianity gained traction, Romans instead began to focus on the...
The City of Walls: Constantinople - Lars Brownworth
Video by TED-Ed

The City of Walls: Constantinople - Lars Brownworth

The world owes much of its cultural legacy to Constantinople's walls. When Constantinople was under seige by neighboring enemies, the Roman city's elaborate system of moats, outer walls, and inner walls stood tall. Surviving numerous fire...
The Historical Audacity of the Louisiana Purchase - Judy Walton
Video by TED-Ed

The Historical Audacity of the Louisiana Purchase - Judy Walton

View full lesson: When the French offered up the Louisiana Territory, Thomas Jefferson knew this real estate deal was too good to pass up. How did the President...
A Brief History of Saint Patrick's Day: From Snakes to Shamrocks
Video by World History Encyclopedia

A Brief History of Saint Patrick's Day: From Snakes to Shamrocks

Saint Patrick’s Day is a celebration on March 17th, commemorating the death of Saint Patrick who is the patron saint of Ireland which is very interesting since he was born neither a Christian nor an Irishman! Saint Patrick is best known as...
King Philip's War: The Most Important American War You've Never Heard Of
Video by Atun-Shei Films

King Philip's War: The Most Important American War You've Never Heard Of

A generation after the first Thanksgiving, the sachem of the Wampanoag led a coalition of Native American tribes to battle against the ever-encroaching European colonists of New England.
The Great Swamp Fight: The Bloodiest Day of King Philip's War
Video by Atun-Shei Films

The Great Swamp Fight: The Bloodiest Day of King Philip's War

In December 1675 CE, in the midst of King Philip's War, an army of Puritan colonists made a preemptive strike against the neutral Narragansett tribe. Their desperate battle in the snowy wilderness of Rhode Island became a touchstone in the...
The Sudbury Fight, 1676: A Decisive Native American Victory in King Philip's War
Video by Atun-Shei Films

The Sudbury Fight, 1676: A Decisive Native American Victory in King Philip's War

On April 21st 1676 CE, a company of eighty Massachusetts militiamen fought to the death against a Native American army five hundred strong in one of the climactic battles of King Philip's War.
The Scythians: Nomad Warriors of the Steppe with Barry Cunliffe
Video by Talks at Google

The Scythians: Nomad Warriors of the Steppe with Barry Cunliffe

Sir Barry Cunliffe has been Professor of European Archaeology at the University of Oxford for 35 years and is Fellow of the British Academy. In this talk, he discusses his new book "The Scythians: Nomad Warriors of the Steppe", a masterful...