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Krishna - The Avatar Of Vishnu
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Krishna - The Avatar Of Vishnu

Krishna famously known for being a mischievous young boy that used to steal butter is traditionally attributed the authorship of the Bhagavad Gita. Watch the video to find out more about Krishna, the adviser and the avatar of Vishnu
Lord Rama - The Lord Of Virtue
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Lord Rama - The Lord Of Virtue

Lord Rama is considered to be the seventh avatar of Vishnu and the King of Ayodhya. His adherence to Dharma (Religion) despite harsh circumstances has made him widely known as the ideal man and perfect human. Watch the video for more information...
Shiva - The God Of Destruction
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Shiva - The God Of Destruction

Shiva, one of the God Heads in the Trimurti (or trinity) is the most powerful and complex God in the Hindu religion. Shiva is the destructive force in life, but Shiva dissolves to leave room for creation. Watch the video to find out more...
Kali Maa - The Goddess Of Destruction
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Kali Maa - The Goddess Of Destruction

Kali Maa is a Hindu Goddess associated with power, shakti and Destruction. Kali is also a central figure in late medieval Bengali devotional literature. Kali is the Goddess of Destruction and Dissolution in Hinduism, and she is one of the...
Lakshmi - The Goddess Of Wealth
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Lakshmi - The Goddess Of Wealth

Lakshmi is the embodiment of beauty, grace and charm and reigns over light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage. The name Lakshmi is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Laks,' meaning 'to perceive or observe.' Watch the video to...
Saraswati - The Goddess Of Knowledge
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Saraswati - The Goddess Of Knowledge

Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and all the creative arts. Saraswati is called the Mother of the Veda's and the repository of Brahma's creative intelligence. Saraswati is also called Vak Devi, the goddess of speech. Dressed...
Gaṅgā - The Sacred River
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Gaṅgā - The Sacred River

In Hinduism the river Ganges also known as the Ganga is personified as a Goddess. It is believed to wash away your sins and liberates the believer. Pilgrims travel far and wide to immerse the ashes of their loved ones in the river. Watch...
Garuda - Devourer Of The Serpent
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Garuda - Devourer Of The Serpent

The Garuda is a large mythical bird depicted as having the golden body of a strong man with a white face, red wings, and an eagle's beak and with a crown on his head. This ancient deity was said to be massive, large enough to block out the...
Lord Yama (Yamraja)
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Lord Yama (Yamraja)

Yama is the lord of death in Hinduism, first recorded in the Vedas. Yama belongs to an early stratum of Indo-Iranian theology. In Vedic tradition Yama was considered to have been the first mortal who died and espied the way to the celestial...
Agni - The God Of Fire
Video by TheGodsOfIndia

Agni - The God Of Fire

Agni is an acceptor of sacrifices and the God of Fire. He is ever young because the fire is re-lit everyday. He is depicted with two heads, one that symbolizes immortality and the other marks an unknown symbol of life. Watch the video to...