The Hittites occupied the ancient region of Anatolia (also known as Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey) prior to 1700 BCE, developed a culture apparently from the indigenous Hatti (and possibly the Hurrian) people, and expanded their territories into an empire which rivaled, and threatened, the established nation of Egypt.
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c. 1700 BCEThe Hittites invade the region of the Hatti and begin a systematic campaign against them. The great city of Hattusa is sacked and destroyed.
1650 BCEUnder the Hittite Warrior-King Hattusili, campaigns are carried to completion subjugating the Hatti. Hattusa is re-built as the Hittite capital. The Hatti are assimilated into the Hittite culture.
c. 1600 BCE - c. 800 BCEAleppo is under Hittite control.
1595 BCEKing Mursilis of the Hittites sacks Babylon. Begin of Babylonian "dark ages."
1595 BCEHittites under Mursilli I sack Babylon, ending Amorite rule.
c. 1380 BCEHittite capital, Hattusa, burned to the ground by Kaska invaders.
c. 1380 BCEFirst instances of iron working in the Hittite Empire.
1350 BCE - 1250 BCEThe Hittite Empire is at its peak.
c. 1344 BCE - 1322 BCEKing Suppiluliuma I of the Hittites sacks the Mitanni capital Washukanni and installs Artatama II as vassal king.
c. 1321 BCEWestern Mittani is conquered by the Hittites.
c. 1320 BCEThe Hittite king Musili II attacks the Hayasa-Azzi confederation.
1285 BCEPeak of Hittite power.
1274 BCEBattle of Kadesh between Pharaoh Ramesses II of Egypt and King Muwatalli II of the Hittites.
1258 BCEFirst Peace Treaty in the world signed between Ramesses II of Egypt and Hattusili III of the Hittites.
c. 1245 BCEBattle of Nihriya: Tukulti-Ninurta I of Assyria defeats Tudahalija IV of the Hittites.
1200 BCELydia arises as a Neo-Hittite kingdom.
1200 BCEPhrygians invade Anatolia and destroy the Hittite Empire.