Delos is a Greek island in the Cyclades archipelago which was both an influential political force and, with its sanctuary to the god Apollo, an important religious centre in the Archaic and Classical periods. The island was also a major commercial and trading centre in the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE. Delos is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
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c. 5000 BCEThe Cyclades are first inhabited by settlers from Asia Mnior.
3000 BCE - 2200 BCEThe first archaeological evidence of organised communities in the Cyclades.
3000 BCE - 2000 BCEDistinctive minimalistic standing marble figurines are produced in the Cyclades.
2200 BCE - 1700 BCEEvidence of town planning and more sophisticated architecture in the Cylades.
1700 BCE - 1400 BCEThe culture in the Cyclades is increasingly influenced by Minoan Crete.
1400 BCE - 1100 BCECulture in the Cyclades is increasingly influenced by the Mycenaean civilization of mainland Greece.
c. 700 BCEThe temple of Apollo is built on the island of Delos.
c. 550 BCEThe silver drachma of Delos depicts a lyre - symbolic of Apollo - on its reverse side.
c. 550 BCEOldest surviving sculpture of a winged Nike found on Delos.
c. 540 BCEAthens removes and prohibits further burials on Delos to purify the sacred island.
478 BCEMany Cycladic states join the Athenian led Delian League as a defence against Persian agression.
478 BCE - 454 BCEThe treasury of the Delian League is kept on Delos until its removal to Athens.
431 BCE - 404 BCEThe Cycladic city states side with Athens in the Peloponnesian war against Sparta and her allies.
377 BCE - 355 BCEThe Cycladic city states join Athens in the Second Athenian League against Sparta .
314 BCEAntigonus I establishes the League of Islanders which includes Delos.
c. 300 BCEThe theatre of Delos is built.
166 BCERome puts Delos under the jurisdiction of Athens and makes the island a free port.
166 BCERome gives dominion over the Cyclades to Athens.
88 BCEMithridates attacks and detroys the island of Delos.
69 BCEDelos is sacked by pirates.