The Aegean Sea lies between the coast of Greece and Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). It contains over 2,000 islands which were settled by the ancient Greeks; the largest among them being Crete (Kriti) and the best known and most often photographed Santorini (Thera or Thira). Both of these islands have strong associations with ancient history and Greek mythology in that Crete features significantly in the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur while the destruction of Santorini by a volcano eruption has long been considered a probable source for Plato's description of Atlantis in his dialogues of Critias and Timaeus.
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c. 5000 BCEThe Cyclades are first inhabited by settlers from Asia Mnior.
c. 4500 BCEFirst settlement on Thera.
3000 BCE - 2000 BCEFirst human presence recorded on Kos.
3000 BCE - 2200 BCEThe first archaeological evidence of organised communities in the Cyclades.
3000 BCE - 2000 BCEDistinctive minimalistic standing marble figurines are produced in the Cyclades.
2300 BCEBronze is used in the Aegean.
2200 BCE - 1700 BCEEvidence of town planning and more sophisticated architecture in the Cylades.
2000 BCE - 1450 BCEMinoan civilization in Crete and the Aegean.
c. 2000 BCEAkrotiri becomes an important Aegean trading centre.
2000 BCE - 1650 BCEAkrotiri on Thera reaches its peak of prosperity and becomes a flourishing Mediterranean trading centre.
1900 BCE - 1100 BCEMycenaean civilization in Greece and the Aegean.
c. 1850 BCE - c. 1450 BCEThe Linear A script of the Minoan civilization is in use.
1700 BCESecond Palace of Knossos on Crete.
1700 BCE - 1400 BCEThe culture in the Cyclades is increasingly influenced by Minoan Crete.
1650 BCE - 1550 BCEEruption of Thera and consequent tidal waves, destruction of Akrotiri and other Aegean centres.
1600 BCE - 1200 BCEThe Mycenaean settlement of Serayia flourishes on Kos.
c. 1600 BCERhodes has significant contact with Minoan Crete.
c. 1400 BCERhodes has significant contact with the Mycenaean civilization.
1400 BCE - 1100 BCECulture in the Cyclades is increasingly influenced by the Mycenaean civilization of mainland Greece.
1100 BCEDorian peoples occupy Greece.
c. 1100 BCEEvidence of settlement destruction and abandonment across the Cyclades.
c. 700 BCESettlers from mainland Greece, possibly Samos, settle on Samothrace.
700 BCE - 600 BCETemples are built in honour of Apollo, Demeter and Dionysos on the island of Naxos.
c. 700 BCEParos begins to export its Parian marble across the Greek world and it is widely used in temples and sculpture.
c. 499 BCENaxos is attacked by Darius' Persian forces.
c. 467 BCEThe island of Naxos rebels against Athenian dominance of the Delian League.
431 BCE - 404 BCEThe Cycladic city states side with Athens in the Peloponnesian war against Sparta and her allies.
417 BCE - 415 BCEMelos, after supporting Sparta in the Peloponnesian War, is attacked by Athens.
412 BCEThe Spartan general Astyochus sacks Kos.
377 BCE - 355 BCEThe Cycladic city states join Athens in the Second Athenian League against Sparta .
363 BCEA rebellion against Athenian dominance of the Second Athenian League on Keos is quashed by Athens.
166 BCERome gives dominion over the Cyclades to Athens.
88 BCEMithridates attacks and detroys the island of Delos.