

Xiuhtecuhtli or 'Turquoise Lord' was the Aztec god of fire and also closely associated with young warriors and rulers. To the Maya he was known as Chac Xiutei. Xiuhtecuhtli was the patron of the day Atl (water) and the trecena period 1 Coatl (Snake). He was the 1st Aztec Lord of the Night and 1st of the Lords of the Day. His nagual or animal spirit was Xiuhcóatl or the Fire Serpent and his special number was three because in traditional Mesoamerican homes there were three hearths. In Mesoamerican mythology the fundamental element of fire was thought to run through the entire universe and wherever there was fire, so too was Xiuhtecuhtli.

More about: Xiuhtecuhtli


  • c. 1345 - 1521
    The Aztec civilization flourishes in Mesoamerica.
  • 1351
    New Fire Ceremony celebrated by the Aztecs.
  • 1403
    New Fire Ceremony celebrated by the Aztecs.
  • 1455
    New Fire Ceremony celebrated by the Aztecs.
  • 1507
    New Fire Ceremony celebrated by the Aztecs.