The Orontid dynasty (aka Eruandid or Yervanduni) succeeded the Kingdom of Urartu in ancient Armenia and ruled from the 6th to 3rd century BCE. Initially, the Orontids ruled as Persian satraps and the culture, language and political practices of that state were introduced into ancient Armenia. Then, under Seleucid rule, the Orontid kings became more independent and minted their own coinage. The dynasty ended around 200 BCE with the murder of Orontes IV and the appointment of king Artaxias I by the Seleucid king Antiochus III.
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c. 570 BCE - c. 200 BCEThe Orontid dynasty rules in ancient Armenia.
c. 570 BCE - c. 560 BCEOrontes (Yervand) Sakavakyats reigns in Armenia, founder of the Orontid dynasty.
522 BCEThe Persian satrapy of Armenia briefly cedes from the Achaemenid Empire but is brought under control by Darius I.
333 BCEThe Armenian Orontid dynasty provides troops for the Persian cause at the Battle of Issus.
331 BCEThe Armenian Orontid dynasty provides troops for the Persian cause at the Battle of Gaugamela.
330 BCEArmavir is made the capital of Armenia, a state under control of the Macedonian Empire.
c. 260 BCEThe unified kingdom of Commagene and Sophene rises in western Armenia.
c. 212 BCE - c. 200 BCEReign of king Orontes IV (aka Yervand IV), last ruler of the Orontid dynasty.