Olympia Fulvia Morata (l. 1526-1555, also given as Olimpia) was an Italian scholar, poet, and writer who sought to advance the Protestant Reformation in Italy. She was considered one of the greatest classical scholars of her time but was denied professional recognition because she was a woman though, today, her works are highly regarded.
More about: Olympia Fulvia MorataDefinition
1526 - 1555Life of scholar, poet, writer, and religious reformer Olympia Fulvia Morata.
c. 1538Olympia Fulvia Morata is fluent in Greek and Latin by age twelve.
c. 1540Olympia Fulvia Morata is a court companion of Anna d'Este in Ferrara, Italy where she learns about the Protestant Reformation.
c. 1546Olympia Fulvia Morata converts to the Protestant vision of Christianity.
1550Olympia Fulvia Morata marries the German physician Andreas Grundler and leaves Italy for Germany.
1553Olympia Fulvia Morata and her family flee Schweinfurt during Second Margrave War; her manuscripts and books are lost.
1554Olympia Fulvia Morata and her family arrive in Heidelberg where she continues her writing.
1555Olympia Fulvia Morata dies, possibly of plague or tuberculosis, at Heidelberg.