The Lombards were a Germanic tribe that originated in Scandinavia and migrated to the region of Pannonia (roughly modern-day Hungary). Their migration is considered part of "The Wandering of the Nations" or "The Great Migration", which was a period roughly defined as lasting between 376-476 CE.
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9 CEFirst mention of Lombards in Roman sources by Velleius Paterculus.
487 CELombard migration to Danube Region.
c. 526 CEReign of Lombard king Wacho; migration to Pannonia.
546 CE - 560 CEReign of Lombard King Audoin in Pannonia.
560 CE - 572 CEReign of Alboin, King of the Lombards.
568 CEAlboin leads the Lombards from Pannonia to Italy and conquers the region.
572 CEKing Alboin is assassinated.
572 CE - 586 CEIndividual Lombard dukes fight for control of the kingdom.
586 CE - 590 CEReign of King Authari.
590 CE - 616 CEReign of King Agilulf who strengthens the Lombard kingdom.
616 CE - 628 CEReign of Queen Theolinda of the Lombards.
628 CE - 636 CEReign of King Adaloald.
636 CE - 652 CEReign of King Rothari.
652 CE - 712 CELombard kingdom is divided between rule from Milan and rule from Pavia.
712 CE - 744 CEReign of King Liutprand who unites the Kingdom of the Lombards.
744 CE - 774 CEDecline of the Kingdom of the Lombards in Italy under ineffective rulers.
774 CELombards defeated by Charlemagne of the Franks; Lombard Kingdom falls.