

The Kristallnacht (Reichkristallnacht, 'Night of Broken Glass', or November Pogrom) was an attack on Jews and Jewish property across Germany and Austria on 9-10 November 1938. Orchestrated as part of a systematic and escalating persecution of Jews by the Nazis, the state-organised pogrom was the beginning of a sharp slide into depravity that terminated in the Holocaust and the murder of 6 million European Jews.

More about: Kristallnacht


  • 7 Nov 1938
    Herschel Grynszpan, a Jew, shoots an official at the German embassy in Paris. Nazi Germany uses the incident as an excuse to launch the Kristallnacht attack on the Jews.
  • 9 Nov 1938 - 10 Nov 1938
    Kristallnacht, the pogrom against Jews in Nazi Germany and Austria.