Kasuga Taisha is an ancient Shinto shrine located in a forest east of Nara, capital of Japan between 710 and 784 CE. Founded in 768 CE, the site has four main shrines in honour of four Shinto-Buddhist deities, one of which is the ancestor god of the important Fujiwara clan. The complex, including its surrounding forest with wild deer, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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710Date favoured by historians for the founding of the Kasuga Taisha Shinto shrine at Nara, Japan.
768Official founding date of the Kasuga Taisha Shinto shrine at Nara, Japan.
841Hunting and tree-felling are prohibited in the forests around the Kasuga Taisha temple, Nara, Japan.
1135The Wakamiya Jinja shrine is founded at Kasuga Taisha, Nara, Japan.