Hovenweep or Hovenweep National Monument is comprised of the ruins of six Ancestral Puebloan (or Anasazi) villages located on the border between southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah in what is the present-day United States. The home of roughly 2500 people who built an impressive array of structures, including unusual towers in square and circular forms, D-shaped houses, and ceremonial kivas from c. 1150-1300, Hovenweep was abandoned c. 1300 under mysterious circumstances. While known by the Ute and Navajo tribes for centuries, the ruins that now comprise Hovenweep National Monument were “rediscovered” by William D. Huntington and a band of Mormon pioneers in 1854. They became a US National Monument in 1923, at the request of US President Warren G. Harding, and they are now under the administration of the US National Park Service.
More about: Hovenweep