The Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend or HJ), named after the leader of the German Nazi Party Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), was designed to indoctrinate 14-18 year-old boys into the party's way of thinking. Its activities promoted physical exercise, team-building, and Nazi ideology. During the Second World War (1939-45), HJ members operated anti-aircraft guns and fought in the defence of Berlin.
More about: Hitler YouthDefinition
1922Foundation of the Hitler Youth.
1931 - 1940Baldur von Schirach leads the Hitler Youth.
1933The Hitler Youth is made an official state organisation.
1935Hitler Youth members must demonstrate they have no Jewish ancestry.
1936The German state bans all non-Nazi youth organisations.
Apr 1940Membership of the Hitler Youth is made compulsory.
Aug 1940Artur Axmann is appointed the new leader of the Hitler Youth.
1943The Hitlerjugend Division, composed of Hitler Youth members, becomes part of the Waffen-SS.
1943Hitler Youth members are used to operate anti-aircraft guns in the defence of Germany.
1945Hitler Youth members fight in the defence of Berlin.