Herman Melville (1819-1891) was a 19th-century American author of novels, short stories and poetry. He is best known for his novel Moby Dick, published in 1851, and his short stories Bartleby the Scrivner and Billy Budd, Sailor. Despite his early successes as a novelist, Melville died in 1891 in relative obscurity.
More about: Herman MelvilleDefinition
1819 - 1891Life of the American novelist Herman Melville.
1 Aug 1819The novelist Herman Melville is born in New York.
1841 - 1844Herman Melville works on several vessels sailing the South Seas.
1846Herman Melville's first novel, Typee, is published.
1847Herman Melville's novel Omoo is published.
Apr 1847Herman Melville marries Elizabeth Knapp Shaw.
1849Herman Melville's novel Mardi is published.
1849Herman Melville's novel Redburn is published.
1850Herman Melville's novel White-Jacket is published.
1851Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick is published.
1853Herman Melville's short story Bartleby, the Scrivener is published.
1854Herman Melville's novella Enchanted Isles is published.
1855Herman Melville's novella Benito Cereno is published.
28 Sep 1891The novelist Herman Melville dies.