

Glanum, located near St-Rémy-de-Provence in southern France, was a Greek and then Roman town which prospered due to its location on trading routes between Italy and the Rhodanus (Rhone River). The town benefitted from a large building project in the Hellenistic period and another spree during the reign of Augustus which furnished Glanum with temples, a theatre, basilica, monumental arch, and Roman baths, amongst other amenities. The town was abandoned in the 3rd century CE but today offers the modern visitor an impressive array of Greco-Roman ruins.

More about: Glanum


  • c. 90 BCE
    The Romans raze Glanum but sebsequently rebuild the town.
  • c. 40 BCE
    The Mausoleum tower is built at Glanum.
  • c. 20 BCE
    The twin temples dedicated to the imperial cult are built at Glanum.
  • c. 260 CE
    Glanum is destroyed by the Alemanni.