Edmond Halley


Edmond Halley (1656-1742) was an English astronomer, mathematician, and cartographer. Halley's Comet is named after him since he accurately predicted its return in 1758. One of the early globetrotting scientists, Halley led several maritime expeditions to far-flung places to compile reliable data on the Earth's magnetic field. He also invented a diving suit and pioneered a working diving bell.

More about: Edmond Halley


  • 1656 - 1742
    Life of the English astronomer and cartographer Edmond Halley.
  • 8 Nov 1656
    The astronomer Edmond Halley is born near London.
  • 1677
    Edmond Halley takes astronomical readings from an observatory he establishes on the island of St. Helena.
  • 1678
    Edmond Halley is made a fellow of the Royal Society for his work in astronomy.
  • 1679
    Edmond Halley compares astronomical data with Johannes Hevelius in Danzig.
  • 1686
    Edmond Halley is appointed Clerk of the Royal Society.
  • 1691 - 1695
    Edmond Halley pioneers a deep-sea diving suit and diving bell while salvaging a wreck off the coast of Sussex.
  • 1698 - 1700
    Edmond Halley makes three voyages across the Atlantic gathering data on magnetism.
  • 1704
    Edmond Halley is awarded a professorship in geography at the University of Oxford.
  • 1705
    Edmond Halley predicts in Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets the reutrn of the comet that will be named after him.
  • 1714
    Edmond Halley is made editor of Philosophical Transactions, unofficial magazine of the Royal Society.
  • 1720
    Edmond Halley is appointed the Royal Astronomer.
  • 1729
    Edmond Halley is made a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences in France.
  • 14 Jan 1742
    Edmond Halley dies.