The Amarna Period of ancient Egypt was the era of the reign of Akhenaten (1353-1336 BCE), known as 'the heretic king'. In the 5th year of his reign (c. 1348 BCE), he issued sweeping religious reforms which resulted in the suppression of the traditional polytheistic/henotheistic religious beliefs of the culture and the elevation of his personal god Aten to supremacy.
More about: Amarna Period of EgyptDefinition
1353 BCE - 1336 BCEReign of Akhenaten who initiates the Amarna Period of ancient Egypt.
c. 1348 BCE - 1320 BCEThe Amarna Period of Egypt.
c. 1348 BCEAkhenaten issues his religious reforms, bans traditional religious beliefs and practices.
c. 1346 BCEAkhenaten moves the capital of Egypt from Thebes to his new city of Akhetaten (Amarna).
c. 1336 BCE - 1327 BCEReign of Tutankhamun who reverses Akhenaten's reforms and restores traditional religious practices.
c. 1327 BCE - c. 1320 BCEThe vizier Ay reigns as pharaoh and continues Tutankhamun's policies.
1320 BCE - 1292 BCEReign of pharaoh Horemheb who erases all memory of the Amarna Period, restores Egyptian culture, and destroys the city of Akhetaten (Amarna).