Search Results: Japanese Art


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The Japanese Invasion of Korea, 1592-8 CE
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Japanese Invasion of Korea, 1592-8 CE

The two Japanese invasions of Korea between 1592 and 1598 CE, otherwise known as the 'Imjin Wars', saw Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598 CE), the Japanese military leader, put into reality his long-held plan to invade China through Korea. The...
The History of Japanese Green Tea
Article by Mark Cartwright

The History of Japanese Green Tea

The history of green tea in Japan goes back to the 8th century when it was a popular stimulant for meditating monks. In this article, we examine tea's origins and cultivation, how it became an integral part of Japanese culture, the symbolism...
Interview: Korea-Japan Relations Through the Prism of Archaeology
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Korea-Japan Relations Through the Prism of Archaeology

Ancient East Asia was dominated by the three states known today as China, Japan, and Korea. The complex chain of successive kingdoms created a rich web of events that archaeologists have sometimes found difficult to disentangle; a situation...
The Mongol Invasions of Japan, 1274 & 1281 CE
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Mongol Invasions of Japan, 1274 & 1281 CE

The Mongol invasions of Japan took place in 1274 and 1281 CE when Kublai Khan (r. 1260-1294 CE) sent two huge fleets from Korea and China. In both cases, the Japanese, and especially the samurai warriors, vigorously defended their shores...
Ancient Korean & Japanese Relations
Article by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Korean & Japanese Relations

Ancient East Asia was dominated by the three states known today as China, Japan, and Korea. These kingdoms traded raw materials and high-quality manufactured goods, exchanged cultural ideas and practices, and fought each other in equal measure...
Japanese Tea Ceremony
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Japanese Tea Ceremony

The Japanese Tea Ceremony (chanoyu or chado) is a cultural tradition involving very particular places, procedures, and equipment for drinking green tea. Originating as a habit of Chinese Buddhist monks to aid their meditation, tea-drinking...
Japanese War Tales
Definition by Graham Squires

Japanese War Tales

War tales (gunki monogatari) is a genre of historical writing that developed in Japan from the Heian Period (794-1185) to the Muromachi Period (1333-1573). They form an important element in the development of the Japanese literary tradition...
A Traditional Japanese House
Article by Mark Cartwright

A Traditional Japanese House

The traditional house of ancient and medieval Japan (1185-1606 CE) is one of the most distinctive contributions that country has made to world architecture. While the rich and powerful might have lived in castles and villas, and the poor...
Portuguese Nagasaki
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Portuguese Nagasaki

Nagasaki, on the northwest coast of Japan’s Kyushu Island, was an important Portuguese trading base from c. 1571 to 1639, and the most eastern outpost of the Portuguese empire. The Portuguese presence transformed Nagasaki from a small fishing...
Samurai Sword
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Samurai Sword

Swords used by Japanese samurai were renowned for the craftsmanship which produced strong yet flexible curved steel blades with a single, super-sharp cutting edge. Produced from the 8th century CE onwards and symbolic of the samurai's elevated...