Search Results: Fire Temple


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Fire Temple
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Fire Temple

Fire Temples are places of worship in the Zoroastrian religion. They were known as ataskada (“house of fire”) by the Persians but are best known today by their Greek name pyratheia (fire temple). They are thought to have originated from the...
Fire Temple
Image by Diego Delso

Fire Temple

Baku Ateshgah or the Fire Temple of Baku, Azerbaijan.
Greek Fire
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Greek Fire

Greek Fire was an incendiary weapon first used in Byzantine warfare in 678 CE. The napalm of ancient warfare, the highly flammable liquid was made of secret ingredients and used both in catapulted incendiary bombs and sprayed under pressure...
The Aztec New Fire Ceremony
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Aztec New Fire Ceremony

The New Fire Ceremony, also known as the Binding of the Years Ceremony, was a ritual held every 52 years in the month of November on the completion of a full cycle of the Aztec solar year (xiuhmopilli). The purpose of it was none other than...
St. Anthony's Fire
Definition by John Horgan

St. Anthony's Fire

St. Anthony's Fire (SAF) is an illness brought on by the ingestion of fungus-contaminated rye grain causing ergot poisoning (ergotism). The disease's common name derives from the medieval Benedictine monks dedicated to that saint who offered...
Natanz Fire Temple
Image by mauro gambini

Natanz Fire Temple

Sassanian Fire Temple, Natanz, Iran.
Ateshgah Fire Temple
Image by Nick Taylor

Ateshgah Fire Temple

Ateshgah Fire Temple, Azerbaijan.
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Anahita is the ancient Persian goddess of fertility, water, health and healing, and wisdom. Owing to her association with life-giving properties, she also came to be connected with ancient Persian warfare as soldiers would pray to her for...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Zoroastrianism is the monotheistic faith established by the Persian prophet Zoroaster (also given as Zarathustra, Zartosht) between c. 1500-1000 BCE. It holds that there is one supreme deity, Ahura Mazda (Lord of Wisdom), creator and sustainer...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Mithra is the Persian god of the rising sun, contracts, covenants, and friendship. He also oversaw the orderly change of the seasons, maintained cosmic order, and was responsible for bestowing divine grace on kings, legitimizing their rule...