Search Results: Pet shops dogs cats hamsters kittens


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Cats in the Ancient World
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cats in the Ancient World

Cats and humans have shared in each other's lives for thousands of years and, even though they have not always been regarded as highly as in the present, have played an important role in a number of cultures. Always enigmatic, the cat has...
Dogs in the Ancient World
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs in the Ancient World

Dogs have been a part of the history of human beings since before the written word. The ancient temple of Gobekli-Tepe in Turkey, dated to at least 12,000 years BCE, has provided archaeologists with evidence of domesticated dogs in the Middle...
Herodotus on Cats in Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Herodotus on Cats in Egypt

The Greek historian Herodotus provides an accurate description of the devotion of the ancient Egyptians to cats in Book II of his Histories, but this passage is often cited out of context. Chapters II.66-67 are frequently anthologized without...
Pets in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Pets in Ancient Egypt

Pets were very important to the ancient Egyptians and considered gifts from the gods to be cared for until their death when they were expected to be returned to the divine realm from which they had come. In life, pets were well cared for...
Cats in the Middle Ages
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cats in the Middle Ages

Cats in the Middle Ages were generally disapproved of, regarded as, at best, useful pests and, at worst, agents of Satan, owing to the medieval Church and its association of the cat with evil. Prior to the widespread acceptance of Christianity...
Pets in Colonial America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Pets in Colonial America

Pets in Colonial America were kept by the colonists for the same reasons they were in Europe: for companionship and, in the case of dogs, for protection, hunting, and herding. Cats controlled vermin in homes and barns until the 18th century...
Norse Pets in the Viking Age
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Norse Pets in the Viking Age

Pets were as important to the Norse of the Viking Age (c. 790-1100 CE) as they were to any other culture, past or present. The Vikings kept dogs and cats as pets and both feature in Norse religious iconography and literature. The Norse also...
Dogs & Their Collars in Ancient Rome
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs & Their Collars in Ancient Rome

Dogs were highly valued in ancient Rome, as they were in other cultures, and the Roman dog served many of the same purposes as it did in, say, Egypt and Persia - as hunters, guardians, and companions - but with a significant difference in...
Dogs in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs in Ancient Egypt

The dog as "man's best friend" has a long history going back to the ages long before the civilization of ancient Egypt was established but the Egyptians were among the earliest people to recognize the value of the dog and show their appreciation...
Dogs and Their Collars in Ancient Mesoamerica
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs and Their Collars in Ancient Mesoamerica

Dogs were an integral aspect of the lives of the people of Mesoamerica regardless of their location or culture and, throughout the region, were recognized as liminal beings belonging not only to the natural world and that of humans but to...