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Red-Figure Toilette Scene
Image by Sailko

Red-Figure Toilette Scene

A red-figure kylix depicting two women in an intimate setting. The kneeling woman may be grooming the other woman or anointing her with oil or perfume. It has been suggested that the kylix may depict two women preparing themselves in the...
Odysseus and the Sirens (NAM, Athens, 1130)
Image by James Lloyd

Odysseus and the Sirens (NAM, Athens, 1130)

NAM, Athens, 1130. Late 6th century BCE. This lekythos (perfume vessel) depicts the story of Odyssey, 12, where Odysseus is tied to his ship's mast in order to hear the music of the sirens, but to be restrained from straying into their danger...
Attic White-Ground Lekythos
Image by Liana Miate

Attic White-Ground Lekythos

This vessel is decorated with a female figure advancing towards a wool basket, holding a flat basket with wreaths and a lekythos. White lekythoi, perfume vases, were made exclusively in Athens and destined solely for funerary use. The scene...
Persian Miniature Tile-Painting of a Garden Scene
Image by Nathalie Choubineh

Persian Miniature Tile-Painting of a Garden Scene

Persian miniature painting on a tile, earthenware under coloured glazes, probably from Isfahan, 17th century CE. Victoria and Albert Museum, London. The so-called 'garden scenes' are among the most typical settings in the Persian literary...
Attic Lekythos
Image by Peter Roan

Attic Lekythos

An Attic lekythos vase, c. 450 BCE. This type of vessel was used for storing fine oils and perfume and often dedicated in burials. Here, Charon is depicted, the boatman who ferried souls across the river Styx to Hades. To the right is Hermes...
Marble Figurine of Leda Avoiding the Swan
Image by Nathalie Choubineh

Marble Figurine of Leda Avoiding the Swan

Attic table support, depicting Leda avoiding the swan, c. before 250 CE. Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Greece. Founded c. 316 BCE and located at the heart of the Thermaic Gulf in the Aegean, the emporium city of Thessaloniki might...
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Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor: An Egyptian Epic

The Tale of The Ship-Wrecked Sailor is a text dated to the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2040-1782 BCE). It is a story of adventure whose purpose, besides entertainment, would have been to impress upon an audience how all one needed to be content...