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Ancient Egyptian Mythology
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian mythology was the belief structure and underlying form of ancient Egyptian culture from at least c. 4000 BCE (as evidenced by burial practices and tomb paintings) to 30 BCE with the death of Cleopatra VII, the last ruler of the Ptolemaic...
Ancient Egyptian Law
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Law

Ancient Egyptian culture flourished through adherence to tradition and their legal system followed this same paradigm. Basic laws and legal proscriptions were in place in Egypt as early as the Predynastic Period (c. 6000- c. 3150 BCE) and...
A Brief History of Egyptian Art
Article by Joshua J. Mark

A Brief History of Egyptian Art

Art is an essential aspect of any civilization. Once the basic human needs have been taken care of such as food, shelter, some form of community law, and a religious belief, cultures begin producing artwork, and often all of these developments...
Ra (Egyptian God)
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ra (Egyptian God)

Ra (also given as Re) is the sun god of ancient Egypt. He is one of the oldest deities in the Egyptian pantheon and was later merged with others such as Horus, becoming Ra-Horakhty (the morning sun), Amun (as noonday sun), and Atum (the evening...
Ancient Egyptian Vizier
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Vizier

The vizier in ancient Egypt was the most powerful position after that of king. Known as the djat, tjat, or tjati in ancient Egyptian, a vizier was the equivalent of the modern-day prime minister of the nation who actually saw to the day-to-day...
Ancient Egyptian Burial
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Burial

Egyptian burial is the common term for the ancient Egyptian funerary rituals concerning death and the soul's journey to the afterlife. Eternity, according to scholar Margaret Bunson, “was the common destination of each man, woman and child...
The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked

The story of Cinderella is one of the most popular in the world. In the west, it has enjoyed a continuous following since its revision and publication by Charles Perrault in 1697 CE but the tale of the young heroine, unjustly forced into...
Ancient Egyptian Symbols
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Symbols

Religion in ancient Egypt was fully integrated into the people's daily lives. The gods were present at one's birth, throughout one's life, in the transition from earthly life to the eternal, and continued their care for the soul in the afterlife...
The Egyptian Amulet: Pious Symbols of Spiritual Life
Article by P. DeMola

The Egyptian Amulet: Pious Symbols of Spiritual Life

Material Objects & Cultures Material objects convey volumes about the people who possessed them. Cultures and societies in every generation are in part classified - either correctly or incorrectly - by the objects or symbols they select...
Ancient Egyptian Medicine: Study & Practice
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Medicine: Study & Practice

In Europe, in the 19th century CE, an interesting device began appearing in graveyards and cemeteries: the mortsafe. This was an iron cage erected over a grave to keep the body of the deceased safe from 'resurrectionists' - better known as...