Search Results: Natural law lysander spooner


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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Lysander (d. 395 BCE) was a Spartan statesman and general who famously defeated the Athenian navy at the Battle of Aigospotamoi in 405 BCE, which finally won the Peloponnesian War. Lysander gained a reputation for a fiery personality, daring...
Natural Rights & the Enlightenment
Article by Mark Cartwright

Natural Rights & the Enlightenment

The idea of natural rights is the concept used in philosophy and legal studies that a person has certain rights from birth and which, because they were not awarded by a particular state or legal authority, cannot be removed, that is, they...
Roman Law
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Law

Roman laws covered all facets of daily life. They were concerned with crime and punishment, land and property ownership, commerce, the maritime and agricultural industries, citizenship, sexuality and prostitution, slavery and manumission...
Draco's Law Code
Definition by Antonios Loizides

Draco's Law Code

Draco was an aristocrat who in 7th century BCE Athens was handed the task of composing a new body of laws. We have no particular clues concerning his life and general biography and the only certainty is that, as an aristocrat and an educated...
Interview: Super/Natural: Textiles of the Andes
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Super/Natural: Textiles of the Andes

Over the course of several millennia, textiles were the primary form of aesthetic expression and communication for the diverse cultures that developed throughout the desert coasts and mountain highlands of the Andean region. Worn as garments...
The Delian League, Part 6: The Decelean War and the Fall of Athens (413/2-404/3 BCE)
Article by Christopher Planeaux

The Delian League, Part 6: The Decelean War and the Fall of Athens (413/2-404/3 BCE)

This text is part of an article series on the Delian League. The sixth and last phase of the Delian League begins with the Decelean War, also referred to as the Ionian War, and ends with the surrender of Athens (413/2 – 404/3 BCE). The...
Ancient Egyptian Law
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Law

Ancient Egyptian culture flourished through adherence to tradition and their legal system followed this same paradigm. Basic laws and legal proscriptions were in place in Egypt as early as the Predynastic Period (c. 6000- c. 3150 BCE) and...
France’s 1905 Law of Separation of Church and State
Article by Stephen M Davis

France’s 1905 Law of Separation of Church and State

The 1905 Law of Separation of Church and State was enacted as the climax of decades of conflict between monarchists and anticlerical Republicans who viewed Christianity as a permanent obstacle to the social development of the Republic. The...
Architects of France's 1901 Law of Associations
Article by Stephen M Davis

Architects of France's 1901 Law of Associations

The Law of Associations was adopted by the French Parliament on 3 July 1901 to limit the influence of Catholic teaching orders as the first step toward the formal separation of church and state that would follow in 1905. Of 16,904 religious...
Balance & the Law in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Balance & the Law in Ancient Egypt

Egyptian law was based on the central cultural value of ma'at (harmony and balance) which was the foundation for the entire civilization. Ma'at was established at the beginning of time by the gods when the earth and universe were formed...