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# Başlık Tercüme et Sayfa görüntülemeleri (6m)
1 Egyptian Gods - The Complete List Translate 85,837
2 Top 10 Inventions of the Industrial Revolution Translate 73,729
3 Indus Valley Civilization Translate 63,630
4 Sumerians Translate 60,223
5 Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Translate 60,066
6 Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation - Full Text Translate 57,788
7 Siddhartha Gautama Translate 54,775
8 Renaissance Humanism Translate 52,201
9 Mali Empire Translate 51,878
10 Feudalism Translate 49,867
11 Olmec Civilization Translate 49,050
12 Ghana Empire Translate 49,030
13 Samurai Translate 47,068
14 Food & Drink in the Elizabethan Era Translate 46,094
15 Ancient China Translate 44,150
16 Gnosticism Translate 43,559
17 Maya Civilization Translate 41,924
18 Reign of Terror Translate 41,358
19 French Revolution Translate 40,653
20 Trial and Execution of Marie Antoinette Translate 38,063
21 Ashoka the Great Translate 37,685
22 Ancient Greek Clothing Translate 37,167
23 Who's Who in a Pirate Crew Translate 36,521
24 Yahweh Translate 35,568
25 Julius Caesar Translate 34,731
26 Crusades Translate 33,924
27 The Vedas Translate 33,727
28 Shinto Translate 33,322
29 Songhai Empire Translate 33,205
30 Battleship Bismarck Translate 32,385
31 Cuneiform Translate 32,192
32 Ancient Japan Translate 31,263
33 Paper in Ancient China Translate 31,161
34 Roman Gladiator Translate 30,372
35 Ramesses II Translate 30,238
36 Ancient Egyptian Government Translate 30,209
37 Greek Architecture Translate 29,698
38 Roman Architecture Translate 28,310
39 Taoism Translate 28,233
40 Ten Commandments Translate 28,060
41 Helen of Troy Translate 28,035
42 Bantu Migration Translate 27,501
43 Joan of Arc Translate 27,287
44 Ancient Greek Pottery Translate 27,126
45 Sports, Games & Entertainment in the Elizabethan Era Translate 27,088
46 Spartan Women Translate 26,961
47 Columbian Exchange Translate 26,935
48 Ancient Egyptian Culture Translate 26,810
49 Zhou Dynasty Translate 26,650
50 Roman Roads Translate 26,168
51 The Mayan Pantheon: The Many Gods of the Maya Translate 25,424
52 Four Noble Truths Translate 25,324
53 Foot-Binding Translate 25,125
54 Confucianism Translate 25,114
55 Sepoy Mutiny Translate 24,917
56 Medieval Castle Translate 24,875
57 Edo Period Translate 24,517
58 Norse-Viking Symbols & Meanings Translate 24,359
59 Education in the Elizabethan Era Translate 24,192
60 The Life of Hercules in Myth & Legend Translate 23,941
61 Hinduism Translate 23,920
62 Moses Translate 23,829
63 Ancient Persia Translate 23,660
64 Aztec Society Translate 23,500
65 Pythagoras Translate 23,403
66 Religious Responses to the Black Death Translate 22,960
67 Vikings Translate 22,817
68 Mycenaean Civilization Translate 22,668
69 Buddhism Translate 22,518
70 The Three Estates of Pre-Revolutionary France Translate 22,504