English Original Language Translation Translator
Pontius Pilate French Ponce Pilate Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Noah's Ark French Arche de Noé Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Rome under the Julio-Claudian Dynasty French Rome sous la Dynatie Julio-Claudienne Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Cronus French Cronos Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Horace French Horace Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Tutankhamun and the Tomb that Changed the World with Dr. Bob Brier French Interview avec Bob Brier Auteur de Tutankhamun and the Tomb That Changed the World Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Phidias French Phidias Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
French Republican Calendar French Calendrier Républicain Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Near East French Proche-Orient Babeth Étiève-Cartwright
Decius French Dèce Babeth Étiève-Cartwright