English Original Language Translation Translator
Charles I of England Spanish Carlos I de Inglaterra Agustina Cardozo
Magi Spanish Reyes Magos Agustina Cardozo
Twelve Tables Spanish Las Doce Tablas Agustina Cardozo
Roman Warfare Spanish Guerra romana Agustina Cardozo
Pantheon Spanish Panteón Agustina Cardozo
The Classic Maya Collapse Spanish Colapso maya del período clásico Agustina Cardozo
Aristarchus of Samos Spanish Aristarco de Samos Agustina Cardozo
Delian League Spanish Liga de Delos Agustina Cardozo
Mary, Queen of Scots Spanish María, reina de Escocia Agustina Cardozo
Mandate of Heaven Spanish Mandato del Cielo Agustina Cardozo